Evis Odé, also known as Mitth'evis'csapla, was a female Chiss who worked as a Cipher Agent for Imperial Intelligence during the Cold War and Galactic War, serving as a representative of the Chiss Ascendancy. When Imperial Intelligence was disbanded thanks to the machinations of the Star Cabal, Evis took the opportunity to desert in the chaos.
During her time serving Imperial Intelligence, Evis was tasked with spying on SIS informant Kellith Odé, befriending and seducing him in an attempt to learn the names of his underworld and SIS contacts to exploit or eliminate them as part of the wider schemes of Harridax Kirill, who wished to utilize the criminal community for the benefit of the Empire.
However, Kellith soon worked out that she was a spy, and the duo spent several months uncomfortably playing their roles and observing one another until Kellith confronted finally confronted Evis. The Chiss eventually made the decision to cease her attempts to gain information and intended to return to Dromund Kaas to report her failure, but when Imperial Intelligence was disbanded she was provided with the chance to disappear and continue her relationship with the smuggler.
When Kellith lost his ship to up-and-coming smuggler Natasha Butler in a game of sabacc and retired to Myrkr, Evis started taking on freelance contracts from time to time, usually corporate espionage, though she did not rule out assassination jobs if the target was right.
Following the conquest of the galaxy by the Eternal Empire, Lexi Lambert, owner of Magenta Sparrow Innovations, hired Evis on a semi-permanent basis as a favor to Avexiss Redonna Odé, Evis' sister-in-law. By this time, the Chiss Ascendancy knew Evis was still alive due to explicit footage Kellith regularly uploaded to the HoloNet (much to Evis' irritation) and had subsequently disavowed her to satisfy their ally, the Sith Empire.
A bounty hunter was sent after her every time Kellith uploaded a new video, though she dismissed it as a polite formality, stating that if they truly wanted her dead they would have sent an Ascendancy assassin instead and, unlike her husband, Evis found the assassination attempts quite amusing.
Despite her husband's questionable hobbies, Evis' professional reputation as an assassin remained separate and untarnished, and she was often contacted by the representatives of wealthy individuals and corporate bodies who wished to eliminate their spouses, siblings or rivals. When Evis cut ties with Lexi Lambert – by then known more widely as Darth Aivela – she maintained her selective approach regarding who she took on as clients; profitable though it may have been, she often turned down jobs that were financially motivated, sharing her people's dim view of materialism and greed.
She also transmitted low priority intelligence of use to her people whenever she came across it, still holding a degree of loyalty to the Chiss Ascendancy, even if – officially – she was no longer welcome. In her later years, however, Evis was able to return to Csilla from time to time to assist the Chiss Ascendancy with minor operations that were better suited to lone operatives, albeit unofficially.