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Etzo Thokos was a planet in the Alsaka sector of the Core Worlds. It was the homeworld of the Tiallans.


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A VKX-9 aircar in Mino Juklat ca. 600 BBY

It was originally called Thokos but another world discovered the same year was already given the name. As a result, the word etzo was added to the name and the planet was called Etzo Thokos. When Humans colonized the planet in 25,009 BBY, they had little interaction with the natives but after a few centuries they began trading with the Tiallan Cities. Both species were usually represented in the Galactic Republic by senators from Alsakan. In 624 BBY, 3X-AK2R accepted a contract to kill Siord Sovv from Elderous Valorum in Mino Juklat, the planet's 23rd largest city.

In 19 BBY the Galactic Empire removed the Cyrillian governor, Proxtame Zyradu, and appointed Jrav Malex. He controlled the world from its third largest city, Ammundepolis, but was forced to escape when the New Republic took over.

