Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Before the Republic eraOld Republic eraRise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic eraNew Jedi Order eraLegacy eraPost-Legacy era
At the academy, we poked fun at Valdayn for having so many ridiculous titles. Things like 'Star-Prince', 'First Lord of the Sands', 'Protector of the Most Holy Seas'... yeah, those were the days...
Tal Rackis on Ethereal titles

Ethereal political titles were the various titles held throughout the Ethereal Empire and Ethereal Demesnes, which varied to such great extremes that not only did many outsiders prefer not to learn them at all "in fear of headache", but in fact, many citizens of the region also found the vast array of ranks and titles to be utterly obscure and needlessly complex.

One reason for this perceived confusion was that the titles held no guarantee of consistency anywhere in the Demesnes, even in culturally-similar areas; for example, in the core Ethereal Empire region, the Kingdom of Luctanem's highest titles were King for male-identifying beings and Queen for female-identifying beings, while for their neighbor and longtime rival, the Noctoren Imperium, the highest titles for the same were Imperator and Imperatrix; these would, conventionally, be considered "higher" than King or Queen, yet they acted as equals and, for nearly a millennium, the monarchs of Luctanem ruled Noctorem with their Luctan titles remaining their preference.

Due to the House-based conventional structure of many Ethereal families, particularly among Ethereal Humans, most families held at least one minor title. However, the Valdayn family became particularly famous and infamous for their massive collection of titles across the entire region, ranging from their initial title as Kings of Luctanem to Pharaohs of Marubet to Viceroys of Salador to Oceanic Presidents of Dartruka to Holy Bankers of Ynthera to Celestial Emperors of Guonto to Stateholders of Restia to Economic Dukes of Fhrenia.

In time, the intricate web of Ethereal titles finally began to be carefully, deliberately organized following the restoration of the Ethereal Empire and accession of Arius Valdayn as King of Luctanem and Atheria Valdayn as Empress of the Ethereal Empire. Even so, the latter was quoted on the matter as of 64 ABY as saying, "It's a good thing I seem to be looking forward to a life of centuries, because at this rate, I don't know if modernizing all this ancient rubbish will be done by the time I'm dead!". As of the post-legacy era, it is uncertain if the process was still ongoing.
