Star Wars Fanon

We have dreams sometimes, you see. Dreams of people, of places, of things... long-forgotten, yet long-remembered. In those dreams, we know who and what we are, and we understand why our people came to be. But when we wake... the understanding, the knowledge, they're gone. All that remains are afterimages of what was seen or heard. Terrible things... battles in an eternal war no-one recognizes... Yet, beautiful things also... arts and sciences we could scarcely imagine.
Arius Valdayn about his people, referring to dreams many of them experience which are in fact their otherwise-inaccessible memories of past lives as Ethereals.

Ethereal Humans were a Near-Human race, the majority of which lived within the Ethereal Empire and greater region of the Ethereal Demesnes. They were also known as Human Ethereals when taking into consideration other species of the Ethereal Demesnes and Ethereal Empire and/or the long-dead Ethereal race, or sometimes simply known as Ethereals, either collectively with the aforementioned races or alone. They were originally created by the Ethereal species which preceded them, a race which originated in another galaxy, the Cradle, and moved to the known galaxy after the War of the Ancients.

This process was achieved through the selection of numerous Humans from elsewhere in the galaxy, though where exactly they came from remains unclear, and may in fact have been multiple planets of origin. These Humans were then systematically altered in every manner deemed necessary by the Ethereals, perhaps the most important modification of which was the hybridization of the two races' genetic code, resulting in the birth of the new Ethereal Human race. Whether this deliberately also transferred the Ethereals' aspect of reincarnation or if this was an unanticipated side effect remains uncertain, though the fact that the Ethereal Humans could not consciously recall their "past lives" until domestically-crafted additional bioengineering much later could be suggestive that either the Ethereals knew this would happen and wished to spare them conscious awareness of it, or did not know of it and thus were unable to change it before the last of their kind died out.

The Ethereal Humans were later further modified by the Celestials, predominantly the Ethereal Family, who also brought a number of other sentient species to the Ethereal Demesnes from across the galaxy to repeat the process upon them. While the Human Ethereals learned much from these four Celestials, who led them for quite some time (particularly the Ethereal Emperor), much of their culture, their language, their customs, who and what they truly were, came from their Ethereal progenitors. From their highly unusual connection to and abilities derived from the Force, to their insistence on fusion of military and civilian affairs, to their highly-varied cultures, governments and social practices, they were by all accounts often considered the rightful successors to their ancient ancestors, at least in the typical opinions of those who were aware of both races.

While most Ethereal Humans- such as Luctans, Noctorens, Cinnerians, Arcuvans, Sanguians, Aetherians, and others- lived within or close to the boundaries of the Ethereal Demesnes throughout most of known galactic history, some did emigrate elsewhere over time. Those who emigrated elsewhere were referred to by their non-emigrant fellow Ethereals as the Diaspora, with a wide variety of individual and different cultures and governments just as with those who remained in the Ethereal Demesnes. Although some moved to other areas still within the general Ethereal area of influence (and consequently over time were reintegrated to certain extents), such as Danzi'im and the Ancestral Transcendency, others moved farther away, such as those who moved to the United Archaeolon Sectors in the Core Worlds and Deep Core and thus became more involved with the Galactic Republic over time.
