Erupting Shadows was the second season of the Crawling Shadows series succeeding Returning Shadows and begins the Third Great Galactic War in an attempt to return the Sith to being dominant political force in the Galaxy, Lord Hudor had finally released the Isfet Sith Empire upon the Galaxy and occupied Sith space, the Imperial Remnant and the Tingel Arm. Ally with the Mandalorian Alliance, born from the Confederacy of allies brought together by the Mandalorians six months prior to avenge Mandalore Boba Fett, the Sith Empire plan the occupation of hundreds of worlds to force the Galaxy back into the thrall of the Dark side of the Force.
Characters | Creatures | Droid models | Events | Locations |
Organizations and titles | Sentient species | Vehicles and vessels | Weapons and technology | Miscellanea |
Dramatis personae
New Jedi Order: |
Galactic Alliance:
Isfet Sith Empire:
Other characters
New Jedi Order:
Galactic Alliance:
Isfet Sith Empire:
True Sith:
Organizations and titles
Sentient species