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Rise of the Empire era

Ernan Vos was a Human female bounty hunter from the Morsian Protectorate Planet Sol Infinius.


Early life[]

Ernan was born on Sol Infinius in 80 BBY in one of the moderately sized desert town. She formed an early childhood friendship with Davos Poragon, thought the two were very different in behaviour. Whilst Davos was constantly getting into trouble, performing petty thefts and causing chaos, Ernan was studious and refused to get into any of his schemes, though she occasionally was roped into them without her knowledge.

Despite this, the two remained close friends during their childhood years and formed a close bond, with Ernan looking out for Davos when he got into trouble and trying to cover for him, despite her constant pushing to him to stop and reform it. Davos developed a reputation in the town for troublemaking and thievery, and was well known to the Publicae Auxiliam forces who policed the town, who often beat him as instant punishment for his crimes when he was caught out. Ernan would care for him when this happened and patch him up, but Davos continued undertaking more and more violent and larger crimes.

Pursuing Davos[]

One day, Davos overstepped the mark and killed an auxiliary who stumbled upon his robbing of a person in an alleyway. In panic, Davos fled the planet and Morsian Empire entirely, with only a brief message to Ernan. Panicked and worried for her friend, Ernan struggled with what to do, until she was speaking to an old, retired legionary, who told her to chase Davos, if she really cared for him and wanted to find him. After some thinking, and talking more to the legionary, Ernan decided to leave the planet and Empire to become a bounty hunter, with the hopes of finding the whereabouts of Davos.

Joining the bounty hunter guild[]

After she left her home planet, she travelled to the Outer Rim with whatever funds she could scrape together and joined the bounty hunter's guild. Despite the initial rebuffs by the bounty hunters there, a few hunters took a liking to her and agreed to take her on board, one of which was the quartermaster of the guild, Rodian Miros Onffar. When Ernan was brought to him to purchase her weapons, he was dismayed at her lack of funds to purchase even his cheapest blaster pistol on display. However, whilst talking to her, he took a liking to Ernan and so agreed to let her look in his storeroom for any blaster that he could part with cheaply, even if they were not in great condition. Ernan spotted an old, decrepit Number 6 ion pistol from Ionix Combat Systems, as well as a better condition but still old Number 7 ion pistol. Miros sold them both to her for a total of 500 Credits as well as holsters for them, with the caveat that he will only do so if he could get them working for her. As it was, he was able to get them working and over time, Ernan fixed them up, making them her own, unique and modified Number 6 and Number 7 pistols respectively.


Master Qui-Gon, more to say, have you?

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When Ernan left to become a bounty hunter, she took with her only some of her personal belongings as well as all the money she had saved up, making her way to the bounty hunter guild. After reaching the guild, she started acquiring some equipment to help her with her new profession. She ended up with assorted pieces of light/medium armor as well as a selection of weapons. Due to her limited funds, she was only able to acquire some old Ionix Combat Systems weapons from the storeroom in a poor state, though over her years of using them, she upgraded and repaired them into more acceptable condition. She also acquired a worn but serviceable carbine of the same manufacturer which became her primary weapon.

Ernan hated the idea of killing so she strove to include non-lethal options in her arsenal, including traps and knock-out gas, plus an array of cuffs and restraining devices. She also hired out various pieces of specialist equipment when she needed them for specific jobs, items like flamethrowers and explosives, which she didn't like using and so only hired them when needed.

List of appearances[]
