Star Wars Fanon
Before the Republic eraOld Republic eraRise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic eraNew Jedi Order eraLegacy era

Eriadu was the primary world in the Seswenna sector, and one of the Outer Rim's most active trade centers. It sat on the intersection of several hyperspace routes, including the Rimma Trade Route, the Hydian Way, the Lipsec Run, and the Yankirk Route. The planet had originally been on the Eriadu Bypass until the Hydian Way was remapped to run through Eriadu (reflecting economic realities) rather than Seswenna.


Eriadu was covered in rugged landmasses and small seas. Its surface was full of dirty industry and waste zones that polluted its atmosphere, land and sea. Eriadu remained in this polluted state because its legislators were more interested in expanding the planet's urban sprawl to match that of other city worlds like Coruscant rather than investing atmosphere scrubbers, aquifer purifiers and waste disposal systems. Major cities on Eriadu included its capital Eriadu City, Phelar and Old Town Factoryville. The planet was also mentioned to have forests though their current state is unknown. Eriadu was orbited by one natural moon and several medium-sized shipyards, which were considerably expanded under the rule of the Galactic Empire, making it a powerful industrial center.


Eriadu was settled by Human colonists during the Galactic Republic era. Eriadu was, despite its polluted state, held a prosperous economy. As such, citizens were frequently encouraged to become business people, and many lived in luxurious living quarters if they could afford it. Notable Eriaduans included the Tarkin family which played a role in the history of the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire. Many if not all Eriaduans were also Humanocentric.


According to ancient historical records recovered in the year 7 ABY, Eriadu was the capital planet of a massive Empire which spanned the Outer Rim long before the Republic was formed. Using these records as a basis, it was hypothesized that the planet Eriadu's state of environmental decline began during the reign of this supposed empire. However virtually all the information on the ancient government had been lost by then.

In the days of the Republic, Eriadu planet was represented in the Galactic Senate by Ranulph Tarkin and later by Shayla Paige-Tarkin during the government's last decades of existence. It remained loyal to the Republic during the Clone Wars, unlike its neighbors Sullust, Mayagil, and Sluis sectors, which joined Count Dooku's Confederacy of Independent Systems. During the Clone Wars, Eriadu was protected by an entire Republic fleet under Gideon Tarkin and served as a vital Republic staging point. Under the Galactic Empire, Eriaduans frequently kept non-Human slaves. The planet was the homeworld of Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, formerly lieutenant governor of the planet under the Republic, who oversaw the Seswenna sector and Oversector Outer from the planet under the New Order.

Eriadu was still under Imperial control as of 14 ABY, serving as the chief industrial world for the Disciples of Ragnos shortly before the Dark Order War. After the demise of the cult's leader and the reformation of the cult into the Dark Order of Korr, the Imperial forces controlling Eriadu and its surrounding systems and sectors broke off from the Order, forming their own small faction. After the destruction of the Order's shipyards at Kuat, one of the order's generals, Darth Persia, convinced the Imperials at Eriadu to join the Dark Order, knowing that it would need another major production center after the loss of Kuat. Jaden Korr, the Order's leader, was impressed by Persia's persuasion skills.

Following Jaden's death at Bakura, Eriadu became the main base of the members of his organization that were still loyal to him. Before long, however, Darth Persia's forces attacked Eriadu City in order to kill Jaden's last supporters. After a long battle in the city, Persia's troops broke into the palace and executed the leaders, ending the First Battle of Eriadu. The loyalist forces surrendered soon after. Once the Greater Sith Empire had been officially formed, Eriadu became its capital and remained as the Sith's most important industrial center.

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