Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

Entozon Odeus was a male Kerkoiden slave broker who supervised the Brokerage in the Corellian Sector of Nar Shaddaa. He maintained good relationships with the various Hutt kajidics who employed the Brokerage's services, as well as Black Sun.

In 1,383 BBY, a Jedi strike team led by Zaella Sabir infiltrated the Brokerage and, once they were identified as Jedi, killed or captured its guards and liberated a shipment of Twi'lek slaves. Odeus was taken alive in the melee, but Sabir convinced the newly-liberated Twi'leks to take him with them to the Galactic Republic and surrender him to Republic authorities, strapping a slaving collar around his neck and giving the Twi'leks the control remote to ensure his compliance.

Behind the scenes[]

The first Kerkoiden to appear in Star Wars was General Whorm Loathsom (yes, really) in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Sakaros found this name so appallingly stupid and on the nose that he felt the only appropriate response was in kind.

