Eniaman was the main language of the Eniamos of Eniam. It was formed of many very different dialects until it was standardized around 3,000 BBY. Since it was easiest for all of them, Eniaman was also adopted by the other natives, the Drijoken and the Keaarglrs, when the three species united.

A chart comparing the Eniaman characters to Aurebesh.
It was quite diverse and flexible. In Eniam, adjectives were said after subject nouns. It focused on the Eniam savanna's different grasses, trees, berries, and predators. They had many words for things found in the forest, too, but when the Drijoken became acquainted with the Eniamo, new words for different minerals, metals, and cave shapes were borrowed from the original Drijoken language of Driyoin and modified to be completely vocal.
Eniaman Alphabet[]

A list of Aurebesh to Eniaman letter transliterations.
Eniaman had a written alphabet. The letters could be translated into the Aurebesh alphabet quite easily, but Eniaman used single letters in some cases in which Basic used digraphs, and vice-versa.
The Aurebesh alphabet's order was A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Ch, Ae, Eo, Kh, Ng, Oo, Sh, Th. In contrast, the Eniaman alphabet went P, F, J, W, Y, D, K, Kw, Q, Qw (also transliterated as Qu), B, V, L, G, R, Rr, Z, Zh, S, Sh, Ch, Kh, T, Th, H, N, M, U, O, A, E, I. Each Eniaman letter's name was simply the letter's pronunciation followed by aa, for example, P'aa, F'aa, J'aa ... A'aa E'aa I'aa.
Eniaman vowels were complicated, with many accent and pronunciation marks that were usually not transliterated. Generally, the letters I'aa and E'aa were pronounced short, unless they were at the end of a word. An e'aa at the end of a word was usually a combination of a short e and a long a. The letter A'aa was almost always short, and the letter O'aa was almost always long. The /eɪ/ sound (as in "late") and the /ɒ/ sound (as in "not") were rare in Eniaman. For example, baai was pronounced /bææaɪ/.
Y was only used as a consonant. Q'aa and Qw'aa/Qu'aa were their own letters, similar to K'aa and Kw'aa respectively, but the Q was pronounced in the back of the throat more than the K.
List of Eniaman words[]
- -a - suffix forming an adjective from a thing or condition, similar to -y and -ness
- Aqoinaa - to strike
- Baai - fertile soil
- Barniqef - carpentry, building of structures
- Darneko - state of crafting objects smaller than dwellings (such as weapons or starship components)
- -de - plural modifier
- Doi - cave (from Driyoin dri)
- Doimoqane - Drijoken, literally cave dweller
- E - a, an
- Ekaillla - to float, to hover
- Ekllia - to fly
- Eklllajiu - starship
- Ekllanjiqaaf - battleship (contraction of eklllajiunizhoqaaf)
- Eniameneine - any native of Eniam, especially of the Drijoken, Keaarglr, or Eniamo species.
- Kekkoo - a specific kind of purple berry
- Keku - another kind of purple berry
- Koki - child of any species, especially Eniamos
- Korvet - corvette (borrowed from Basic)
- Korupa - politics
- Kruzher - cruiser (borrowed from Basic)
- Lokilbii - polar mammoth, a large, furry, animal that lived in the poles of Eniam
- Loklim - polar swine, a pig-like polar creature
- -mok - the highest degree of, -est
- Moqa - to inhabit, to dwell in
- Mor - city
- -ne - one who does, -er
- Narerpi - grass
- Naaraiq - Plains clawcat, a specific kind of predator
- Nizhoqaaf - battle
- Nok - place; small village
- Planaq - horn
- Planaqoinaa - hornstrike, equivalent of a handshake among Eniamode (portmanteau of planaq and aqoinaa
- Pol - to be blind
- Pliaa - fire
- Plianarerpi -Flamegrass, the extremely combustible savanna grass native to Eniam
- Quo - only
- Qui - but, however
- Rakolpi - to defend
- Ref - like, a
- Renl - Ape; Monkey (sometimes used derogatorily towards Keaarglrs, but there are less intelligent simians on Eniam)
- Repaqi - type, class
- Retup - grand, mighty, fine
- Torilk - state of being on or beyond borders or outskirts
- Tornok - outpost; colony, frontier
- Troi - Dry dirt, filth
- Wiq - expletive comparable to damn
Eniaman Counting and Measurement[]
The numbers of the Eniamos were 6-based. They used separate digits for 0-5.
Eniamo Numbers[]
- 0 - tar
- 1 - qua
- 2 - rli
- 3 - akik
- 4 - ipli
- 5 - naqo
- 6 - quarinltar
- 7 - quarinlqua
- 8 - quarinlrli
- 9 - quarinlakik
- 10 - quarinlipli
- 11 - quarinlnaqo
- 12 - rlarinltar
Eniamo Measurement[]
- Bafl - about 3.236 centimeters
- Iaqlbafl - 1/720 of a bafl
- Aqlbafl - 720 bafls
- Rlibafl - 2 bafls
- Akikbafl - 3 bafls
- Olltro - 6 bafls
- Rliolltro - 2 olltros
- Aqlolltro - 720 olltros
Notable non-native speakers of Driyoin[]
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