The title of Emperor was the planetary leader of the Inner Rim world Kazoku and its Shogunate Commission. In rare cases, if there was no patriarch fit for the position, the matriarch assumed the role as Empress, however if there was no matriarch, the clan's Daimyo would become Regent-Emperor. As Emperor, individuals of this title were able to appoint and dismiss Shoguns in the Commission, and were the chairman of the Shogun Committee. There were no set term limits as the title had always been part of the Nakamura Clan with its reigning patriarch holding the office.
However, as time went on, the title of Emperor would be in little regard for two Shogunates on the island Nihon, especially evident during the Nihon Civil War that began in 1,868 BBY, where the Gushiken and Nakayama Shogunates had intentions to withdraw from the Shogunate Commission.
Notable Emperors[]
- Unidentified Nakamura shogun
This shogun became the first holder of the title of Emperor in 18,680 BBY after the Owari Reformation and the bringing of Kazoku into a new age of peace. They were the successor to the previous shogun of the Nakamura Clan who was killed in 18,684 BBY.
- Nakamura Takanari
Takanari was the Emperor of the Shogunate Commission and head of the Nakamura Clan by the time of the Clone Wars.