Emoria was the capital city of Quadia, a planet in the Unknown Regions which was the home of the Qua.
Emoria served as the capital of Quadia from time immemorial. When Quadia was overrun by slavers, Quadia remained the de facto capital and nerve center of the planet, and featured its only true spaceport.
In 88 ABY, the nascent Golden Empire stormed Quadia in a liberation campaign. In the wake of the mass extermination of slavers and Quadia's acceptance of membership in the Empire, the surviving Qua gathered in Emoria and, with no viable choice, restored it as the planetary capital. The architecture of the city changed as space was now at a premium.
During the Battle of Quadia in 149 ABY, the 77th Combined Cohort staged a rearguard battle to defend Emoria, suffering thousands of casualties in the process. By the time the invading Skavik horde reached the city, however, reinforcements from the Romasi Sector Fleet had arrived, and Emoria suffered relatively little damage in the onslaught; fewer than a hundred Qua were killed during the battle, including police engaged in fighting.
Most of Emoria's housing was apartment complexes and townhouses with shared walls; only the extremely wealthy could afford freestanding homes, and most of those had small yards or no yards at all. A good deal of public space was devoted to parks and other communal recreation areas, in keeping with Qua philosophy emphasizing sharing of benefits. Quadia's environs were the front line of environmental cleansing and terraforming projects, and several kilometers in every direction were restored by 160 ABY.
The city housed several Royal government buildings, including an office building for Quadia's Consul and a Ministry of Health building. The 77th Combined Cohort's barracks were just outside the city limits, though within the clean zone. In 151 ABY, the Household Guard Academy was constructed outside the city limits as well.