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The Embrace of Embers was a marriage ritual performed by high-born natives of Som Galla and the higher ranking members of their Sith rulers to determine the marital hierarchy of the prospective spouses.
Originating from members of the ancient Sith Empire who once ruled the planet, the Embrace involved the imbibing of a mixture of both participants' blood after it had been blessed by a priest followed by a ceremonial duel. The loser of the duel would be forced to give up their family name, while the winner would become the dominant partner with authority over their spouse, a dynamic that was enforced by the blessed blood elixir consumed prior to the confrontation.
Many individuals were maimed or killed participating in the rite, and after the Great Hyperspace War the absence of the Sith saw the ritual fall into relative obscurity, becoming a rare method of resolving disputes between the families of high-born partners.
In 41 ATC, Lord Sera Artofen – having recently inserted herself as the ruler of Som Galla – and Ben Lambert participated in the Embrace of Embers to formally bind themselves to one another as a sign of their commitment. Despite being heavily pregnant at the time, Artofen – senior to Lambert – won the bout with little difficulty, resulting in Lambert shedding his family name to become Ben Artofen, though the couple had entered into the Embrace knowing that Sera would emerge the victor.