She's a bit of a firebrand, that one.
—Vin to Anya regarding Ellie.
Ellie was a female Human Padawan-turned-Dark Jedi up until her redemption on Raxus Prime by fellow Padawan Vin Garth in 44 BBY. She later completed her trials and was knighted and she subsequently fought in the Clone Wars; often joining Vin and his apprentice.
Padawan years[]
Holocron on Raxus Prime[]
Stranded on Mustafar[]
Disaster on Bespin[]
Clone Wars[]
Outer Rim Sieges[]
Personality and traits[]
Ellie was a Human female of average height and build with black hair and blue eyes. She tended to askew the more traditional Jedi robes and instead favored apparel that maintained some semblance to the established norm, but still unique in its own way.
She was kind and bubbly by nature but was prone to becoming emotionally dependent on others, such as her first Master, which was a trait older Jedi found to be distasteful. Upon her Masters death Ellie was gripped by fear and spiraled down the path to the Dark Side of the Force. When Jedi Master Anya Veil and her apprentice Vin Garth discovered her on Raxus Prime she was driven almost to insanity through over-dependance on her deceased Master, resulting in a hostile attitude and an almost feral behavior. Once redeemed however her true persona returned to the surface and, with tears in her eyes, apologized profusely for what had happened.
Following the events on Raxus Prime she developed feelings of gratitude and respect for Vin that eventually gave way to friendship and then love; though their feelings where known of only by Anya herself.
Vin Garth[]
If I didn't know any better, Vin, I'd say you where flirting with me."
"And here I was dreading going about this flirtation business in the wrong way; I'll be glad if I manage to get this next part right.
—Ellie and Vin before the latter kisses her.
Powers and abilities[]

Ellie's saberstaff.
Ellie was a skilled lightsaber combatant and Force practitioner, having trained as a Jedi Sentinel, where she actively combined her Jedi training with technology and ingenuity. Her skills as a pilot, technician and engineer were invaluable to her allies, who often placed their success in these areas whilst on missions solely at Ellie's feet.
Her skills as a potential Jedi where evident even at an early age when, empowered by her anger and temporary fall to the Dark Side of the Force, she fought evenly with Vin Garth; who was considered the most skilled Padawan of his generation in tersm of sheer lighrsaber skill and as well as raw force potential. She blended the focused offense and acrobatics of Ataru with Niman dual-balded techniques, developing an advanced level of lightsaber combat catering towards a dual-bladed saberstaff. Towards the end of the Clone Wars Ellie also carried with her a secondary green-bladed lightsaber. When using this particular weapon instead of her saberstaff she mostly employed the reversed grip of the Shien style, employing her Ataru skills and acrobatics to devastating effect.
However, her skills with the Force where mostly supplementary in nature; such as enhanced speed, of which she was highly proficient. Ellie also possessed inherent skill with the rare Force cloak. Her skills also included telekinesis for she could throw, repel and crush objects easily with little focus, as well as throw her lightsaber with unerring accuracy; though as her skills developed she began spinning her saberstaff using the Force, essentially creating a spinning buzz-saw. Vin also noted her affinity for Force healing but her level of mastery was unknown.