The Sith Eliminator-class War Cruiser was a ship of the line used by the Old Sith Empire, and much later by Khrado Ragnos and Tak Sakaros. The variant used by the two Sith Lords was greatly redesigned from its archaic predecessor and featured more modern weapons, armor, and engines.
Characteristics and capabilities[]
Like most Sith ships, the Eliminator Cruiser was bulky and bulbous in appearance, though Khrado Ragnos succeeded in removing the insectoid look of the craft. It was redesigned for direct engagement with enemy craft, and featured heavy shields and armor, as well as numerous turbolasers. The ship's hangar had room for a half-wing of fighters (36 ships, or three squadrons), as well as a few drop ships. It was armed with lasers in place of ion batteries to suit the Sith objective of absolute destruction of an enemy.
When he assumed command of the fleet, Tak Sakaros had modifications made to the Eliminator- and Devastator-class cruisers to enable them to fight modern ships their own size. They served as the frontline warships for the Sith Lord in his campaigns, and were key features of his fleet. Eliminator Cruisers were equally at home for system defense, planetary bombardment, or direct naval engagement, and their commanders used them frequently for all three.