Star Wars Fanon

Eleena Daru was a female Rutian Twi'lek, and the lover of the Sith Lord Darth Malgus during the Great Galactic War.


Attack on Coruscant[]

While the Sith Warriors, under the command of Adraas, were inside shuttle, preparing to attack Coruscant, Eleena Daru and her lover Darth Malgus took a tour of Coruscant until Shae Vizla completed her mission. Due to her beauty, Eleena did not want to serve her true loyalty to the Sith Empire since she wanted to settle down and talk to Malgus about their future of been together. Malgus made it clear to Eleena that his duties toward the Sith Empire would always be Master and Servant to the dark side. Eleena understood, but she reminded him that he didn't always treat her as a servant. Malgus was very annoyed by her words and he put a harshness in his words that he did not feel, telling her that she was a servant and nothing more. Eleena was angry and upset since she was the one nursed him back to health after Satele Shan had grievously wounded him, and he didn't feel and believe those words. Shae Vizla completed her mission, along with Lord Adraas, and with that, both Eleena and Malgus enter the the Jedi Temple, butchering the outer guards. When the shuttle crashed into the Jedi temple, the Sith Warriors came out, as a battle began.

Eleena fought back to back with Malgus in the first part, then fought on her own. Many Jedi were trying to reach her, but Malgus kept them away and killed several while Eleena blasted several security guards. She attempted to assist her lover in attacking Jedi Master Ven Zallow with her blasters. Killing two Jedi in her path, she moved towards Zallow and until Malgus would show up to attack him from behind. This proved to be a fatal mistake as the Jedi Master easily deflected two of her shots back into her shoulder and one in her chest. Eleena didn't give up, but Ven simultaneously force pushed her into a pillar. This caused Darth Malgus to be enraged, giving him the upper hand in the fight allowing Malgus to kill Zallow for injuring her. Ven believed that Malgus' weakness was her, knowing that the dark side will fade from him. Before Ven's death, he saw vision in the future that Eleena was brought back and redeemed herself and would do anything to redeem Malgus.

The Sith killed all the Jedi, and the Sacking of Courscant had begun. After the battle in the Jedi Temple, Eleena was badly injured when she fought against Ven Zallow. Still alive, Malgus and his Sith companions and Lord Adraas, went to check on her. When Malgus awoke her, she called him by the name 'Veradun' in front of other Sith, one of the few things that she was forbidden to do. Eleena was very sorry for saying that, but Malgus clenched his fist in anger, and she blanched and stared wide-eyed at the closed fist. Sensing the anger that was growing in him, Eleena realized that she made a terrible mistake since his weakness over her was love. Healed from her wounds, Malgus brought her to her feet and carried her out of the temple. She was then transported from an Imperial Medical Transport to an Imperial Medical Ship called Steadfast. There she would receive treatment and wait for Malgus to return to check on her.
