Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

Eldon Ax, born Cinzia Xandret, was a Human female Sith apprentice of Darth Chratis until she became a Jedi apprentice to Satele Shan during the Cold War.


Early years[]

Born around 3,660 BBY, under the name of Cinzia Xandret, the daughter of Lema Xandret. The Sith Order discovered her talent since she manifested her power through the Force, and decided to take her in the Sith Academy. Lema feared that her daughter wouldn't survive the sith training that they do on Korriban, so she hid her daughter from the sith and deliver her to the Jedi Order instead, but her efforts failed. The Sith were able to find her, and Cinzia accepted her nature to the dark side, and became Eldon Ax. Her mother fled into exile, heartbroken for the lost of her dear-beloved daughter that she held on to.

Eldon Ax became one of the most popular acolytes in the academy and received high honors during her trials. Due to her implantation, she had no memory of her life, and believed her family, including her mother, have been killed during the war. After completing her trials, she was later accepted as an apprentice to Darth Chratis. However, due to her apprenticeship, she undertook several missions to prove how strong and wise she was to her Sith Master.

Shadows of the Past[]

Around 3,643 BBY, Darth Chratis sent Eldon on a mission to infiltrate one of the local governments. However, she was confronted by a bounty hunter named Dao Stryver. The two engaged each other, and Ax gained the upper hand by forcing the Stryver to kneel to his feet. Stryver begged Eldon to spare him and explained about the concepts that she and Lema had. Eldon knew nothing and fought their way free to the spaceport and searched the land records which came across Stryver's name. After escaping, Dao swore his revenge on Ax, because they do not bear the humiliation inflicted on her. Back in the realm of the Sith Empire, she filed a report to her master, which led the two names of the data complex. Darth Chratis showed her the recruitment data bank, which she learned that Lema Xandret tried to hide her child from the sith. Then, her memories started reveal that she was the daughter Lema Xandrets.


Eldon mainly served Darth Howl for several months of the Cold War. She started to remember several memories of her life with her mother. THis is how she felt something warm in her heart and the dark side wouldn't remain within her. She felt her mother's spirit, whispering in her mind to leave the sith behind, and start a life of herself. Eldon tried to resist her words, but due to her warm words, she would try to free herself from the pain that she had caused.
