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Elceev was a planet in the Dolomar sector of the Core. The homeworld of the Emfoggens, it was a diverse world run by a Human nobility that was largely purged by the Galactic Empire after the Clone Wars. Judas Corpaoration was headquartered on Elceev.


Discovered during the later years of the Expansionist Era, Elceev was colonized by Alderaan in 20,232 BBY. For over twenty thousand years, it was loyal to the Galactic Republic but, at the start of the Clone Wars a the nobility was persuaded to join the planet with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Many legions of droids were stationed on world but the Grand Army of the Republic attacked and held it in 22 BBY. From 19 BBY until 16 BBY, the nobility of Elceev was largely purged and then the Empire appointed the owners of Judas Corporation, the Palladium family, as the barony in charge.

It was ruled for seven years by Baron Krollix Palladium until his son, Krollix II became baron in 8 BBY. Krollix II greatly expanded the defense force, even allowing aliens such as Otto Kirusk to join. When he died in the destruction of the second Death Star in 4 ABY, his sister, Lowiss Palladium became baroness until the planet joined the New Republic in 7 ABY. There was much debate on the planet whether they should actually join the New Republic, and two factions militarized. The anti-New Republic faction attacked sector forces who attempted to mediate the conflict. They were sorely defeated, losing the Cytebb and many starfighters and other ships.
