Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon


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Tarakus in his Dragon form

Tarakus Deadmerit, one of the more distinguished Lords of the Ekatra.

The Ekatra, known also as the Sentinels, were Force-sensitives who were neutral within the Force, having knowledge of both the light and dark sides of the Force, and also varied in species and combat style, often using Lightsabers as part of their combat skill set. These individuals were also known for maintaining neutrality throughout many wars, unless they needed to get involved. One of the wars in which Ekatra got involved in was the Six Year War, where Jeramiah Tolkano fought as a Snowshoe Trooper General.

The Ekatra had three ranks, indicating where they fell, within the boundaries of the Neutral part of the Force:

The Ekatra used three titles to distinguish themselves in rank, and from the Sith.


Cyvelon Deathdragon, A Light Lord of the Ekatra, who fought alongside Tarakus Deadmerit, during the Rebellion.
