Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

The Eighth Republic Expeditionary Fleet was a Galactic Republic war fleet assembled for the Republic's conflict with Valin Aresh's Supreme Modality during the New Sith Wars.


After his victorious leadership in the Battle of Ord Mantell, Mali Darakhan was made a Jedi General, and the Eighth Fleet was created for him. It had a strong Corellian component, including Darakhan's flagship, the Coronet's Jewel; Darakhan himself was a Corellian and something of a homeworld hero, and though Corellia already supplied more to the war effort than any other single world, it was anxious to support one of its own elevated to such a senior command position. Darakhan held his command under the overall theater command of Jedi Master Elata Cazars.

Darakhan and Aresh's forces skirmished in the Mid Rim before the Modality was conclusively expelled into the Outer Rim Territories. However, the Modality held the northern Celanon Spur in force, and the Eighth Fleet stagnated at Ithor. In 1,386 BBY, Darakhan took a portion of his fleet south to liberate Milagro. The defeat of a battle group at Garqi made the Eighth all the more important as a bulwark against the Modality's renewed advances.

In mid-1,385 BBY, after nearly a year of stagnation, Darakhan ordered the Battle of Phaeda as the initial salvo against the Vanguard Line. A month later, he attacked in force with Operation Liberator, which broke the Vanguard Line in half and captured the critical worlds of Cademimu V and Agamar. Aresh's Supreme Modality First Fleet counterattacked Agamar two months later, but the Eighth Fleet held the planet.


The plurality of constitutent ships were of Corellian origin, and many were loaned directly from the Corellian Defense Force, though the Coronet's Jewel was built for the Republic. Hundreds of thousands of ground troops were attached to the fleet as well, along with dozens of Jedi Knights and Padawans.

The Legacy of Archais, an enormous and heavily armored cruiser used primarily for ground troop transport, weapons manufacture, and training, was attached to the Eighth Fleet, but generally insulated from battle.

