Ehlek VI of the First Kingdom, better known simply as Ehlek, was a male rakata warlord (Barraki ) and a member of the league of the six kingdoms. He controlled the northwestern reaches of the galactic disk, the area west of Notron , including such worlds as N'zoth , Ilum , Kalee , Ansion and Muunilist . Much of Ehlek's territory lay in wild space.
He chose N'zoth as his capital, just like most of the previous rulers of his kingdom, due to the Yevetha, who provided slave labour. Ehlek also wished to rule from here due to his alliance and friendship with Pridak, who was based on Notron.
Whenever he had time, however, Ehlek would visit Kalee. He had great affection for this world, and he befriended a Kaleesh by name of Nocturn in 50600 BBY, and put him in charge of Kalee and its Neighbors .
Ehlek joined Pridak and the other Barraki in a rebellion against the architects in 50,000 BBY . When this failed, he was sentanced to death. But before he could be executed, Botar appeared and instead teleported him and the other Barraki to the pit of Ghalon Mahri . For millenia he was in suspended animation, until a massive asteroid impact destroyed the pit and freed the Barraki. However, contact with water caused their bodies to mutate.
Ehlek would spend the next few years assembling and army of venomous electric eels, and fighting the other Barraki on the side. When a second impact sank the city of Mahri Nui, Ehlek was going to massacre the inhabitants, but was stopped by Pridak. Like the other Barraki he spent the next 5 years terrorizing and looting the city, trying to find the technology that could get him offworld.
When the mask of life was discovered beneath the ocean, Ehlek used it as part of his escape plan, bargaining with the benevolent Hydraxon to exchange the mask for a star cruiser. After Nocturn, who was actually one of Ehlek's own agents, escaped with the mask, the Barraki turned their armies against one another. Like the others, Ehlek managed to escape in one of the starships orbiting the planet.
His present whereabouts are unknown, but he must wear advanced breathing apparatus to survive normal atmospheric conditions, and he has been unable to reverse his mutations. Hydraxon and several of his friends in the Jedi order are still hunting him.
Biology and Appearance[]
Upon contact with the pit water, Ehlek developed a hunchback shape as dozens of electric spines extended from his back. His head shrank and his teeth curved inwards. His hands mutated into long 3-pronged claws, making it hard for him to practice fine motor skills.
Personality and Traits.[]
Ehlek, although not particularly warlike, was the most savage and aggressive of all the Barraki. He oppressed those he ruled over and would not hesitate to use slave labour. Ehlek was a great fan of Pridak's and was the first to join his rebellion against the architects. When it failed, Ehlek was furious at Pridak and attempted to kill him before being teleported to Ghalon Mahri by Botar.
After escaping the pit prison, Ehlek spent several years creating a huge army, and fighting his fellow warlords and other prisoners on the side.