Eeth Koth was a male Zabrak Jedi Master who served on the Jedi High Council during the final years of the Galactic Republic. After leaving the Jedi Order, he became a priest of the Order of the Ganthic Enlightenment named A'Kosul Sharad.
Early life[]
Eeth Koth was born in the violent slums of Nar Shaddaa, where he lived as an orphan. At the age of four, he was discovered by the Jedi Order and brought to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to be trained in the ways of the Force. While initially hesitant to approve him for training due to his age, the Jedi Council eventually approved him for training and he eventually became the apprentice of Jedi Master Kosul Ayada.[1][2]
Jedi Master[]
After passing the trials and becoming a Jedi Knight, Koth took on the young Sharad Hett as his Padawan, traveling the Outer Rim to quell civil wars and dethrone tyrants. After Hett passed his trials, he bid farewell to his master as he exiled himself to Tatooine to investigate the murder of his family.[3]
By the time of the Stark Hyperspace War, Koth had been granted a seat on the Jedi High Council.[3] He later fought in the Yinchorri Uprising of 33 BBY.[4] The following year, he was present on the Council when Master Qui-Gon Jinn introduced them to Anakin Skywalker, whom Jinn believed to be the prophesied Chosen One, as well as informed them of the Sith's return.[5]
In 22 BBY, Koth joined a strike team of Jedi led by Mace Windu that traveled to Geonosis to rescue Skywalker and his master Obi-Wan Kenobi. After fighting the Separatists' Droid Army in the Geonosis arena, the surviving Jedi escaped aboard clone gunships that had been brought as reinforcements by Master Yoda. Koth boarded a gunship with Sora Bulq and Tarados Gon, which was later shot down as they pursued the Separatist forces.[6] Surviving the crash, he was rescued by clone troopers while Master Bulq left with Master Tholme to pursue Count Dooku.[7]
During the Clone Wars, Koth came to command the Venator-class Star Destroyer Steadfast. At the height of the conflict, he led a mission to deal with Separatist raiders that had been attacking hyperspace routes.[7]
Having been plagued with nightmares since Master Qui-Gon had informed them of the Sith's return, Koth was forced to reveal his plight to his colleagues on the Council and he was subsequently removed from the Jedi High Council. He then decided to leave the Order entirely and began his life anew. Changing his name to "A'Kosul Sharad," in honor of his former master and apprentice, he joined the Order of the Ganthic Enlightenment and became a priest. During this time, he met a Zabrak woman named Mira and the two fell in love.[7]
In 14 BBY, five years after the fall of the Republic, Koth witnessed the birth of his daughter. Seconds later, he was confronted by the Sith Lord Darth Vader, who had tracked him down along with a team of Inquisitors. After buying his wife and daughter time to escape, Koth retrieved his lightsaber and attacked the Sith Lord. After a long duel, Koth was ultimately slain by the Dark Lord while the Inquisitors succeeded in apprehending his Force-sensitive daughter.[7]
- Jedi Council: Acts of War
- Cloak of Deception
- Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter
- Episode I The Phantom Menace
- Star Wars (1998) #7-12: Outlander
- Star Wars (1998) #13-18: Emissaries to Malastare
- Star Wars (1998) #28-31: The Hunt for Aurra Sing
- Episode II Attack of the Clones
- "No Rest for the Weary" – Tales from the Jedi Order