Our relationship with Uviuy Exen is strained to say the least; I wouldn't expect them to lift a finger if we were invaded. Not that anyone ever will. Hell, no; you'd have to be insane to invade this rock!
—Edrin Creel to his adjujant
Edrin Creel was the Imperial Prefect on Ord Antalaha.
Just when you get a planet under your control, some inquisitor desides to come along and force you out
—Creel on Lukas Shimra
Edrin Creel was born in the years before the Clone wars, giving him a turbulent child-hood. However, he escaped the worst of any fighting by staying on Coruscant, where he trained as an accountant.
However, as the war drew to a close, Creel began to handle the assets of Wilhuff Tarkin. Later, when Wilhuff rose to power, he credited his former aide by allowing him to govern the planet Ord Antalaha.
Creel had no military experience, thus was appointed Major Phoro Edry to manage the planets meager military forces.
Ord Antalaha was a bleak world, a stop gap between the larger stronghold of Uviuy Exen and Coruscant. Creel was forced to manage the massive flow of traffic through Ord Antalaha, which physically took it's toll on him, making him a frail, hunched man.
His subordinates did little to help him. Phoro was no role-model, spending his days sleeping and nights gambling. Edrin's adjujant, Orbis Riun, had no grasp of figures and was little help. The remainder of Creel retinue consisted of a battered RA-7 protocol droid, named 2793-RA-7 and a Defel mecenary who would eventually leave Creel's service.