A High Command holding true and absolute power over the Military forces through the position of Grand Lord. In this case, Grand Lady.
—An unknown individual
Eclipse High Command,[1] and as HIGHCOM,[1] was the agency of the Eclipse Empire responsible for maintaining command over the Military and received orders from the High Council.[1]
High Command was run by the Joint Chiefs of the Military, a group of military leaders who answered to the High Council and took their orders through the Grand Commander.[1]
It had its own right to make decisions on their own as well due to the Angel Command Policy that overrid High Council's ability to hold power over the Military and High Command, however since this policy was active, it was only considered effective when in an active conflict with insurrectionists and major criminal organizations.[1]
Formed from Imperialist Alliance High Command, the Eclipse High Command's decisions were absolute towards the Military forces, including both the Army and Navy, including Army and Naval Commands, and led by the High Council's Grand Commander Angel XI.[1]