Star Wars Fanon


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Rise of the Empire era

E-oon Decht was an Uogo smuggler from Aaeton and long-time friend of Gajji bek Ral.


In 126 BBY he was smuggling for a criminal named Zeve Mahassah. He delivered a package to a contact named Zealot 44, a Btryzetix warlord on Erayyxa. The package turned out to be a nuclear bomb and the warlord used it destroy a city and then pinned the blame on Decht. A death mark was put on Decht's head so he hid on Corlass where he stayed for three years before he contacted Gajji bek Ral for help. Ral arrived but he had been followed by the assassin droid 3X-AK2R who killed both smugglers.
