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Listen up rookies! Here is our new standard laser rifle, the E-5 blaster rifle, the standard rifle of our Separatist allies, they have kindly supplied us with thousands of them to help us in our fight for the Separatist cause, a nice little rifle, powerful and light, but also kinda inaccurate, so try and make your first shot count! Note that Jedi have been shown to be able to deflect laser bolts back at their originators, so we're keeping stocks of our old bullet rifles in order to take the Jedi out.
You have 500 shots per battery pack with this rifle, certainly an improvement over the 100-max rounds you used to have with the magazines of our old bullet guns! Note this gun is short-barrelled and a bit fragile, and also makes a lot of heat after repeated firings, so that's why we've giving you special gloves!

—An Confederate States Army Quartermaster demonstrating the E-5 to new recruits

The E-5 blaster rifle was the standard blaster rifle of the Trade Federation, Confederacy of Independent Systems, Confederate States of Earth, Separatist holdouts and numerous others.

The Confederate States of Earth in particular liked the weapon, they liked it for its power and low weight, and it gave the Confederate States an advantage of the Union of Earth States, many Union soldiers were still using slugthrowers like the M1 Assault Rifle.

The Confederate States of Earth produced a variant with a fixed stock and modifications to make it more organic-friendly, this variant was known as the E-5 CSE, the variant were rare to see outside of the Solar System due to the fact that it cost more to produce, and because droids far outnumbered organic soldiers in the Separatist military, that the corporations which supplied the CIS considered the E-5 CSE too "niche" to enter mass production.

Despite the misgivings of the corporations to produce the E-5 CSE, many organics, particular those of the Confederate States, considered it too be the best version of the E-5, the fixed stock of the variant made recoil almost non-existant, the modifications made to the blaster in order to make it more comfortable to organics meant that organics could fire the blaster multiple times without having to wear special heat-resistant gloves, which were given to Confederate States troopers who had to use the standard E-5 variant.

The E-5C blaster rifle was a variant of the E-5 which had a faster fire rate and an attached stock, the E-5C could be viewed as a Separatist equivalent of the DC-15 blaster rifle, the E-5C was also used by the Confederate States Army in the squad support role as a light machine gun, some models were equipped with folding bipods, which helped accuracy at long range.

The E-5M Marksman Rifle was an additional variant which featured a fixed stock and a mid-power scope, the E-5M was used as a Designated marksman rifle, and as a makeshift sniper in certain situations.
