Created as a variant of Tachibana Security's Rose Regiment, the E-11R blaster is far more advanced and powerful than previous models. Also created in memory of someone dear to him.
—An unknown individual
The E-11R blaster rifle[1], often referred as Rose blaster rifle[1] or incorrectly as Ruby's blaster rifle[1], was a modified E-11 blaster rifle manufactured by Tachibana Heavy Engineering as part of their own E-11 series which was meant to modernize the Old Empire's E-11 blasters.[1]
The blaster has a capacity of 200 shots, giving it less ammo than its counterparts.[1] The blaster was used by Tachibana Security's Rose Regiment, a group that was formed by CEO Jacques Tachibana for protection as he was a target to Weiss Jenkins and Uriah Varanee for assassinations on his daughter and Luke Skywalker, respectively.[1]
Behind the scenes[]
The picture used for the E-11R blaster is a red-painted F-11D blaster rifle used by First Order stormtroopers thirty years after Return of the Jedi and the picture was taken from Garry's Mod in-game where red F-11D model was also made in-game.