Star Wars Fanon

Duvar Enego was a well known politician from a planet Anarmar, who was the planetary Security Minister, later the Prime Minister of the planet and also the President of the Senb'An'Tiin Federation. He was a member of the Dark Guild and a secret ally of Darth Sidious.


Early years[]

Duvar Enego grew up in a well-off family of Anarmar, where he spent most of his life. His childhood was full of strictness. His father had bad temper and young Duvar had clashes with him very often, quarrels and rows were a usual thing. But it was his father that helped him in his studies and made him go to one of the best universities. In fact that was a personal decision of Enego Jr.

He was looking forward to leaving Anarmar for a long time. He met new friends on other planets, among those was Palpatine from Naboo, with whom he had especially good relationship.

After returning home Duvar learned that his father died because of sickness, and many were surprised to see his equanimity and tranquility during the funerals.

Soon after that he got a job at the Ministry of Defense, but only for a short time. He soon began the carrier of an official of the Security Ministry though he was invited to several other governmental institutions.

In 40 BBY he became the deputy minister of Security, and in 34 BBY he became the Minister of Security himself.

Peace Conference in Naijil[]

He was one of the organizers of the peace conference on Uthel in 33 BBY, that almost resulted in catastrophe when somebody tried to blow up the Palace, where all the participants were staying.

Duvar Erla

Duvar and his Bith assistant Erla Lissa.

He started the investigation process, but soon stopped for his allies had other plans. These were of course a dark Jedi Trillak and Darth Sidious.

Conflict with Prolla[]

In 31 BBY Prolla decided to secede from the Senb'An'Tiin Confederacy, and according to the agreement between the planets, that was a legal right of a member. However Duvar Enego stated the idea, that it was the beginning of a larger separatist crisis, that would show itself in future.

Adrio Velenno, the Prime Minister of Anarmar at that time, wanted to start the negotiations with Prollians. He didn't want a war to begin, but Duvar Enego was trying to persuade others, including the ministers of Defense of Uthel and Elecria, that it was time to create an army for the Senb'An'Tiin Confederacy. But the Prime Minister had a different opinion on this aspect.

However the Prollians attacked Anarmar, occupying the city with their battle droids and mercenaries. In several hours the streets of Anarmar were completely petrified. Duvar Enego, seeing that the Prollians were executing the order from his masters, persuaded the Prime Minister to leave the planet for the time being.

Prime Minister's cruiser was making its way to Uthel, to find shelter there, but for some reasons Adrio decided to stay on Shiib, not far from the Fiderkha Autonomy. While they were staying there, trying to find help, Duvar would contact Trillak and tell him about the whereabouts of the Prime Minister. A droid ZID-17 was sent in order to seize the Prime Minister. It is not known exactly, why would Duvar and Trillak like the Prime Minister be captured.

It was during this time that Shiib suffered through a local civil war, that was ended with the help of Adrio Velenno, Deyla and Rickster Ornel, that worked as archeologists there. Together they helped the citizens of the city of Baash'Baan fight against the strange beings, that came from desert and were killing all the citizens. Eventually the city was liberated, though the losses were tremendous. After this crisis they returned home, realizing that Prollians were not a great threat after all.

During these events, the droids on Anarmar would malfunction, and the locals managed to defeat the Prollian invaders. Peace returned to this region once again.

Being a Prime Minister[]

Approximately in 22-21 BBY he was participating in the elections of a new Prime Minister of Anarmar, and he was the one to take this post. There were other candidates, that ultimately lost the elections. Among these were Orvo Fendunia, Weya Venn, the minister of Economics, and some others.

The elections were also overshadowed by the death of the Adrio Velenno and the crisis on Elecria.

He used all these events to justify the reforms of the Senb'An'Tiin Confederacy. Almost the same day he declared Senb'An'Tiin as a part of the Galactic Republic and signed a treaty with chancellor Palpatine.

Serving the Galactic Empire[]

During the reign of the Emperor he became the Supreme Judge in the sector. In reality his powers were far beyond that of the Supreme Judge. Вesides being the main representative of the Judicial branch on Anarmar, he was also the ruler of the planet, and could control other worlds in the sector as well, but what is more important, is that he was the leader of the Dark Guild, an organization loyal to the Empire, that was capturing and dealing with Rebels, Jedi and anybody alike. Actually he became the executioner, and his ally Trillak was the prosecutor (one of the inquisitors in reality).

In 0 ABY he decided to get rid of Moff Iv'Iurius, so he thought of various methods of removing this creature from office one day. The first attempt, that was carried out by ZID-17, was a failure, and the rebels even used that for their own purposes.

The second time resulted in the death of the Supreme Judge, for he tried to eliminate a Jedi Master aboard of a star destroyer. For several hours he would watch the battle down on the planet, and then he would eventually meet his old friend - a Jedi called D'Nar, that was a cousin of Trillak. While Duvar was telling him why would they hate the Jedi so much, D'Nar would try to corrupt the targeting system of the imperial vessel and fight a duel with Trillak.

He was killed when the space vessel exploded as a result of rebel forces attacks during the battle for Uthel.

Personality and traits[]


Duvar Enego during the occupation of Anarmar

Duvar Enego was of medium height, with aristocratic appearance, with a cold view and of difficult character (just like his father). Those who tried to argue with him, always lost a dispute for his persuasive arguments. Such disputes were no longer as he became an Imperial official.

Nobody knew for sure, whether Duvar Enego had any abilities in the Force, but in case he did - he managed to conceal such a fact from many, except perhaps for Darth Sidious and members of the Dark Guild.

He looked pretty bad at the moment of Battle for Endor, and he tried to keep this as one of his secrets as well by wearing cloaks and capes.

Duvar Enego was fond of history and art, and he also had a detailed diary of his life. After his demise his diary was partly published though some data remained classified.

Public opinion[]

For many years Duvar Enego was quite popular with his people, moreover he was a respected man among many politicians. He was always a welcome guest at official meetings and receptions, but only before he became the Supreme Judge of Anarmar.

After 4 ABY he was considered by many as a traitor, as well as the one to blame for the complete destruction of the Senb'An'Tiin unanimity.

Behind the scenes[]

The character of Duvar Enego was inspired by the appearance of Palpatine in The Phantom Menace.

Like Palpatine, Duvar Enego was considered by many characters as a good person. He concealed his true motives for a long time, just like the Emperor, and like the Dark Lord he would always want more and more power in his hands.


  • Keeper’s Chronicles: Story I (First appearance)
  • Keeper’s Chronicles: Story II
  • Keeper’s Chronicles: Story III
  • Keeper’s Chronicles: Story IV
  • Keeper’s Chronicles: Story VI
  • Keeper’s Chronicles: Story VII
  • Keeper’s Chronicles: Story IX
  • Keeper’s Chronicles: Story XXIV
  • Keeper’s Chronicles: Story XXV (Mentioned only)
  • Keeper’s Chronicles: Story XXVI (Mentioned only)