Star Wars Fanon

The Duel on Tatooine was a lightsaber duel between Darth Raiden and Darth Kilzan with the other eleven Sith spirits.


Discovering a ghostly temple[]

Sometime after Darth Raiden's new apprentice, Ange completed the Trial of Skill at the Jedi Monument on Rhen Var, Raiden uncovered the location of a ghostly Sith temple that was created by Darth Kilzan and the other eleven Sith spirits on Tatooine. He decided to go alone due to Ange's safety. He ordered his other apprentices to take care of her. They obeyed the order, and Raiden left for his mission.

Sifting through the Dune Sea[]

Touching down in the Dune Sea, Darth Raiden fought his way through standard spirits of other Sith warriors. Fighting his way to the ghostly Temple in the distance, Starkiller kept on encountering many more Sith spirits.

Upon nearing the Temple, the Dark lord saw a Sith rancor, a rancor with red marks similar to Darth Maul's. The Sith defeated and killed the Sith rancor, then proceeded on to the temple.

Fight in the ghostly Temple[]

Raiden then entered the Sith Temple, where he entered a large hallway where another Sith rancor resided. The beast and an army of standard Sith spirits attacked Raiden, but they were defeated. With these opponents out of the way, the Sith lord made his way to challenge Darth Kilzan himself.

Going deeper into the temple, Raiden entered into the Sith Council room. There, he met Darth Kilzan and the other eleven Sith spirits. During their duel, Raiden destroyed the eleven Sith spirits, then got back to fight Kilzan. After fighting and killing the creator of the ghostly Sith Temple, Darth Raiden returned to his ship and left the temple to disappear through the ashes.
