This one, a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away. To the future. To the horizon. Never his mind on where he was… what he was doing! Adventure, heh! Excitement, heh!… A Jedi craves not these things. You are reckless!
The Duel in the Temple was the event in the second Ragni war in which Daritha Underlord was killed by Malachai Darkblade.
The duel occurred in the aftermath of the Assault on the Jedi Temple, in which Daritha Underlord attacked the Jedi Order. During the aftermath of the massacre, Malachai Darkblade appeared to Underlord and the former friends were forced to confront each other in battle.
The duel[]
The two dueled each other through the hallways of the Jedi Temple. In the Council Chambers, Underlord attempted to decapitate Malachai. Malachai held him off as best as he could, and he managed to fling himself out of Underlord's grasp. Then, he kicked Underlord on to the ground and used the Force to get Underlord's lightsaber to his hand, and tried to kill him. He failed and Underlord Force shoved Malachai into the Archives room. The two forced each other into opposite ends of the room with a combined Force Push. Attempting to kill Malachai, Underlord threw his lightsaber and missed.
As the two dueled on, Underlord forced Malachai back. While they were fighting, the Temple was collapsing around them, and both managed to leap out of the temple.
Fall of Underlord[]
It was then that Malachai was able to accept Underlord had fallen and allowed himself to become more intent on killing Underlord. The two dueled their way to the Training grounds as Malachai Force pushed Underlord into a tree. Underlord lost grip of his lightsaber, and it fell to the ground. Malachai took advantage of it by Force pulling the lightsaber. He then put Underlord into Force stasis, and killed him. He then picked up Underlord's corpse and took it to a ship near by.
Malachai returned to The Final Blow and carried Underlord into the ship. He put the protocol droid in charge of flying the ship, and took the body to Tatooine, which was Underlord's homeworld. He then gave his old friend a Jedi funeral.