Star Wars Fanon

In 4 BBY, Sith Lord Adrienne Keane infiltrated the Citadel Inquisitorius to rescue her aunt, Razielle Ragnos, from the custody of the Inquisitorius. Wearing a Taozin amulet and accompanied by her tuk'ata, Tyrant and Terror, she managed to obscure her presence in the Force until she had made her way to the dungeons. Ignoring the pleas from various Jedi prisoners and others, she released Razielle.

The two were confronted by a number of Inquisitors as they attempted to escape, including High Inquisitor Andyc Masaryn. Adrienne engaged Masaryn in a duel, while Razielle recovered the lightsaber of a fallen Inquisitor Terror had partially decapitated, using it to duel two Inquisitors at once. Even after over a month of captivity and torture, Razielle was more than a match for her enemies, but she sensed her niece in danger and, with a quick back-to-back pivot, switched enemies. Amidst the battle, Tyrant and Terror wreaked havoc on the non-Inquisitor guards Masaryn had summoned for backup.

Masaryn at his best was a match for Razielle in her weakened state, and Adrienne was able to duel her two Inquisitors, getting them in one another's way. Adrienne led the Inquisitors away from their master, carefully using shiim strikes to inflict minor injuries on them to weaken their defenses. Eventually, she managed to stab one in his sword arm; as he dropped his lightsaber in pain, she cut off his face.

Razielle and Masaryn, by contrast, fought much more savagely, using the Force to fling debris at one another and trading physical blows when they got close enough. Masaryn used Force lightning, which Razielle caught on her lightsaber; drained from her captivity and the strain of dueling, she was unable to retaliate in kind, but kept the fight close enough that Masaryn was forced to primarily rely on lightsaber combat.

Sensing reinforcements en route, Razielle cut down a pillar and toppled it toward Masaryn; he managed to avoid being crushed, but had to use most of his power to prevent injury to himself or further damage to the room. Using the moment of distraction, Adrienne cut the thumbs and forefingers off her remaining enemy, along with the emitter of his lightsaber, then stabbed him under the chin and out the top of his head. The two Sith fled with the tuk'ata, escaping Prakith before the Inquisitors could stop them.
