Ducky's unique. One-of-a-kind. None of that straight-outta-the-factory garbage.
—Kassie Kaadara, to Zhavi Waverunner.
Ducky was a masculine programmed, custom-built exploration droid repurposed for maintenance work. He was created prior to 28 ATC by former Jedi Knight Kassie Kaadara to act as an assistant while she worked on building and repairing swoop bikes in her garage on Corulag.
Rebuilt from scratch using the remnants of a ruined RE-1 unit and other pieces salvaged from scrap piles, Ducky was a unique model, and thanks to small cracks in his lower servomotors he produced a "quacking" sound when he walked, leading to Kassie giving him his name. Built for engineering work, Ducky's chassis featured a spotlight, scomp link, arc welder, holoprojector, tech and lifeform scanners and a repulsorlift. Ducky was also equipped with an illegal electroshock probe to defend himself while running errands for Kaadara, in addition to an integrated comlink and a small homing beacon.
In 28 ATC, Kassie handed "ownership" of Ducky to Zhavi Waverunner and the maintenance droid became her lifelong travel companion, accompanying and assisting her on dozens of dangerous adventures across the galaxy from urban worlds such as Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa to more distant locales such as the icy wastes of Ilum and the tropical climate of Copero. After Zhavi settled down with her wife Isla on Shimka's Well, Ducky took to assisting the forces of the Advanced Strategic Operations Service – specifically the commandos – in their operations against the remnants of the fragmented Sith Empire, where he proved invaluable as a slicer and patrol craft mechanic.
In 83 ATC, Ducky accompanied retired ASOS commander Iden Lambert to the Outer Rim world of Sarros to rescue both her daughter Alisha and her former squadmate Diego Williams, after which he helped to thwart the invasion of the extra-galactic Zhaelor Vong, who had gained access to the world thanks to a hidden Imperial research bunker. Entering the Stygian Plane via an interdimensional portal within the bunker – while sliced into a homemade battle droid known as "Smasher" – to buy Iden time to activate an augmented quantum bomb, Ducky sacrificed himself in battle against a horde of starweirds to ensure the successful destruction of Sarros and the containment of the planet-wide outbreak of the virus that claimed Odacer-Faustin decades prior, known only as "the Sickness".