Dromund Kaas
Dromund Kass was the 3rd planet in the Dromund system. It orbited the star known as Dromund.
Dromund Kaas had two moons and it lay along the Kamat Krote route.
The atmosphere was Type 1. The geography was mainly swampy and full of oceans, and vicious wild predators, like Sleens,Wampas and Vine Cats.
Dromund Kaas was originally a colony of the Sith Empire. Sorzus Syn visited the planet while it was controlled by the Sith empire However, its location was then lost several centuries sometime before 5000 BBY.
It turned out, a group of siths and officers had survived on the planet, paving way for the Sith Empire, to return, under the rule of Emperor Viliate.
Region: Sith Space
Day: 24 standard hours
Year: 312 standard days
The major population of the planet is human, or humanoids like Twi'leks and Zarbaks. Most of them emmigrated to the planet either by will or by force, and have very anti alien policies. rare sights are non-human siths. The current capital is Kaas city, though many smaller towns exist. The planet is the capital of the sith empire.
The planet is a darkside force group.