Drevveka Hoctu was a female Human Jedi living at the time of Mandalorian Wars and after. During the Jedi Civil War she was sent to fight against Darth Revan's Sith in defense of the planet Corellia. Despite having earned the rank of Master, Hoctu defected to the Sith in a move which nearly cost the Republic the battle. For this, the Jedi reviled her as a particularly notorious traitor.
Being already well-studied in the use of the Force, Drevveka Hoctu quickly climbed the ranks of Revan's Sith Order. She took an interest in the Sith Arts Academy on Thule and became a teacher there, eventually taking the role of headmaster. She also trained a Chistori warrior named Krennel as an apprentice.
The academy on Thule suffered much from infighting during the Sith Civil War. Though Hoctu and Krennel both survived, the majority of their peers and students killed each other, and many of the academy's holocrons and other artifacts were destroyed. Order was eventually restored by the formation of the Sith Triumvirate. Blaming Hoctu for the damage that had been inflicted, Darth Traya compelled the headmaster to remain on Thule, presiding over an ever-dwindling collection of students while the center of the Sith Order was shifted to Trayus Academy on Malachor V. Traya was succeeded by her apprentices, first by Darth Sion and Darth Nihilus, then by Meetra Surik, but all three continued to dismiss Thule as irrelevant. As the Sith Arts Academy languished, Drevveka Hoctu vowed revenge on her masters, though she had no real power to act on this.
The course of Hoctu's life changed in 21,108 AR. Since Surik had journeyed to the Unknown Regions in search of Revan, Headmaster Thoriel Silbus had been leading the Remnant Sith Order in her absence. The Republic unexpectedly attacked and destroyed Malachor V, killing Silbus and many of Trayus Academy's occupants. In a confused frenzy, the Order's remaining membership descended on Thule, and Drevveka Hoctu was made regent until the return of Meetra Surik and Revan.
As the Republic launched an incursion into Sith Remnant territory, Hoctu dispatched her various Sith Adepts on various assignments to delay the offensive. Two such Adepts, Bevel Zanatsu and Giran Faselli, were set on the trail of Republic spies at Korphir. The pair eventually discovered that a Strategic Information Service team was planning to Torque Highport station, the headquarters of the Gordian Reach's Sith prefect, and traveled there to foil the mission. However, the SIS unit successfully stole classified data from the station, in the process leaving Prefect Korlen Olligard seriously injured and Giran Faselli dead.
Having no choice but to report the debacle to Lady Hoctu, Bevel did so, offering to redeem himself by tracking down the SIS agents who had escaped. The furious headmaster denied him this, going on to note that due to the Remnant Sith Order's thinned numbers, it would be a waste to punish him with execution. Instead, Bevel was added to a team of Sith Adepts led by Krennel for sabotage missions against the Republic. Following his master's exact instructions, Krennel repeatedly placed Bevel in the most hazardous positions on these assignments. One took them to the Landor system, where they destroyed a refueling station that significantly delayed the incursion into the Gordian Reach.
- Torchbearer (Mentioned only)
- Salvage Team Four (First appearance) (Appears in hologram)
- Edge of the Storm (Mentioned only)