Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

The Dramassians were a human race native to the Mid Rim planet of Dramassia.

Biology and appearance[]

The Dramassians were baseline Humans.

Society and culture[]

Dramassians could work for any affiliation and occupation, and could speak in their own non-existent language. They could also speak Basic.


The Dramassians evolved on Dramassia, a temperate planet located in the Dramassia system within the Juvex sector of the Mid Rim. Their homeworld was first discovered sometime between 3000 BBY and 1000 BBY, during the Blazing of Hydian to Ruusan. It fell into the area of space known as the Western Reaches. They were the makers of the Dramassian shimmersilks.

They shared their home sector with many other species, including the Arpor-Lan, the Diollans, the Kardurans, the Ossiathorans, the Talhovians, the Tyluun nightsoarers, the Valorsians, the Zarians, the Zylurians. It became a part of Republic Space during the Clone Wars. In 25 ABY, their homeworld's population was up to 100 million. Their homeworld became a part of the Darth Krayt's Sith Empire in 137 ABY.

