Fight for what you believe in even if you know you won't live to experience it.
—Dragomir Jovanović
Dragomir Jovanović, nicknamed "Dragi" by his comrades, sometimes going by the alias Vladimir Ferencina, was a Human male who fought as a mercenary pilot for various navies. Considered a talented pilot by many, Dragomir was a flying ace with 392 kills by the end of his career. He fought at the Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY, and fought his final time in 29 ABY, at the Liberation of Coruscant from the Yuuzhan Vong. Born in 44 BBY on the Inner Rim Territories planet of Iseno, he was raised to eventually join the large army that the planet maintained due to it's military traditions. Dragomir specifically trained to serve as a combat pilot, though when he was eighteen years old, military age, in 26 BBY, Dragomir quickly joined the Republic Navy. He had no intention of staying on his homeworld, wanting to, in his words, "see the galaxy".
He served the Galactic Republic until 23 BBY. During his three year career Dragomir attained the rank of warrant office second class and became an ace with eleven kills, which he achieved against pirates during the skirmish over Vuchelle and a fight in the Outer Rim shipping lanes. However, Dragomir often got into arguments with senior officers. His piloting skill was the only thing that kept him from being dishonorably discharged, and, to the surprise of his superiors, he got along with Jedi. However, while on leave in the Outer Rim Territories, he was approached by a Separatist recruiter. Dragomir initially refused to deal with him, but then was persuaded by the recruiter to join the CIS. During the conversation, the recruiter told him various examples of corruption within the government of the Republic. Dragomir joined the Confederate Navy, and was given the rank of group captain.
Early life[]
I'm telling you, that kid is going places. Well, flying there, that is.
—A military officer after witnessing Dragomir flying

Dragomir in his youth.
Dragomir Jovanović was born in 44 BBY on the planet of Iseno in the Inner Rim Territories. His parents were both affiliated with the Iseno army, which was not uncommon. The planet maintained a large army, having a military tradition. His father was an artilleryman while his mother was a nurse. Dragomir was raised by them to succeed them in the military. He began fitness training at an early age, and learned to shoot blasters, martial arts, tactics, and several other subjects in his teenage years. Dragomir became a "good shot" in the eyes of his father and several of his army friends, but typical army roles did not interest the young man. He saw various starfighters leaving an airbase nearby and had a dream of becoming a combat pilot.
At the age of thirteen, his father bought him a cloakshape fighter. He did not know how to fly it, and his father did not expect him to at that point. Dragomir and him spent about a year getting it to work (as it did not have complete parts) and then modifying it heavily, in order to upgrade it's speed and maneuverability. His father also removed the armament, not trusting him with it yet. Dragomir began to fly the craft, and trained for many hours. Over time, he mastered controls of the fighter, and was able to preform various maneuvers. Later, they added the guns back and he began target practicing in the more remote mountainous parts of their province. He also read information on various other spacecraft, in order to be more familiarized with different ships.
By the time he was fifteen, Dragomir already had plans of leaving his homeworld. He had learned about politics when he was fourteen, and soon afterwards wanted to see the greater galaxy. Other than his two parents, he only had a few distant relatives and virtually no friends; as he did not go to normal school and did not convene much with other teenagers. He spent much of his free time either reading, exploring the countryside, or watching the HoloNet for galactic news, which seemed to greatly interest Dragomir. In 27 BBY, he attended an aerial acrobatics demonstration by a Republic Navy fighter squadron. It greatly impressed him, and afterwards, Dragomir asked several nearby officers on enlistment information. They handed him documents with basic navy enlistment information. He read it over carefully, and prepared to enlist the next year, when he turned eighteen.
Pilot Officer Jovanović has preformed well in the engagement, scoring four victories.
—Battle report of his first engagement
Dragomir enlisted in the Navy in 26 BBY, being accepted as a pilot. He was sent to a pilot training center on the planet of Angeria, where he trained extensively over the next six months. Having flight experience, Dragomir proved himself to the instructors to be a capable pilot. Dragomir primarily trained with fighters, though also tried flying bombers and transports. He also was one of the best in the flight simulators. Some of his fellow cadets were impressed with his skills, and a few were jealous. His trainers noticed this and recommended him for a promotion to pilot officer upon graduating the flight school, and he did so around the middle of that year. Dragomir was stationed aboard the Inevitability, an Invincible-class Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser.
Dragomir piloting an A-6 interceptor.
His first engagement occurred in that same year, a few months after deployment. In a busy system in the Outer Rim Territories, the Inevitability was called in to eradicate a group of pirates that had been preying on local shipping. The pirate group, called the Solar Terrors, was using an Action V transport as a flagship and several squadrons of Z-95 Headhunters, having 45 in total. Dragomir and the other pilots flew A-6 Interceptors, nimble and speedy craft with a pair of laser cannons. During the fight, Dragomir preformed various maneuvers to escape enemy fire. In the process, he shot down four enemy fighters, one short of becoming an ace. The other pilots noticed his skills in maneuvering, and later he received requests from others to be shown some specific maneuvers which Dragomir had used in the battle. For his efforts, he was promoted to flight lieutenant.
Later that year, his unit was briefly stationed on Coruscant and flew escort for Galactic Senate transport ships. Dragomir was awed by the massive Galactic City, and wished to buy a house or apartment on the planet eventually. During the hours on the ground at the naval base, Dragomir talked to the other pilots of his squadron, getting to know them better. One of them jokingly called him "Dragi" after he told them that his name had no shorter variation, and the nickname stuck afterwards. Also during that time, Dragomir continued to listen to news on politics and galactic events. Reports of various scandals within the Republic government disturbed him, but he did not give much thought to them at the time. In 25 BBY, they were rotated from Coruscant and redeployed to the Outer Rim.

Ribbon bar for Order of Onasi, 2nd class.
Throughout much of the year, the crew of the Inevitability did not see any action, and were stuck with patrolling various remote sectors who no one on the ship had ever heard of. Dragomir and the others found it boring, but he was secretly thankful that he received so much time to pretty much rest and hone his piloting skills. During that time, Dragomir was promoted to ensign. However, near the end of the year, the ship had a run in with pirates near a space station. They were a small band, and Dragomir was among the first few pilots to be deployed against them. As a result, he got five kills, becoming an ace and raising his overall kill count to eleven. After the battle, he received a promotion to warrant officer third class and was awarded the Order of Onasi, second class. However, he got into an argument a few days later with a senior officer, who nearly had him demoted. It was not the first time it occurred.
Defecting from the Republic[]
Dragomir: “What do you mean?”
Recruiter: “Oh yes, the Supreme Chancellor himself is . . . under Sith influence, you could say.”
Dragomir: “That's not . . . ”
―The Separatist recruiter trying to convince Dragomir to defect

The cantina he was at on Trantor.
In late 23 BBY Dragomir fought in a skirmish with pirates over Vuchelle. There, they engaged the pirates and he scored another two kills, largely due to him entering the battle later than most fighters because of technical problems with his craft. Afterwards, he received a promotion to warrant officer second class. After the battle, he had conversations with a few of the Jedi who took part in the operation as well. They had a good time, though Dragomir did brag about his kill count to one of the Jedi who was a specialized pilot in the Jedi Order. A few weeks later, he went on leave, and made a stop on Trantor. While there, he was confronted by a Separatist recruiter, who told Dragomir about the Confederacy of Independent Systems. At first, the young Republic pilot wanted nothing to do with him. However, the recruiter followed after Dragomir as he left the cantina they were at, and told him about all of the corruption scandals in the Republic. He also told him that Palpatine was under the influence of a Sith Lord. Dragomir hesitated, as he already was aware of the corruption in the government and concerned. But after learning about the Supreme Chancellor's influence, he reluctantly agreed.
Separatist Intelligence made a fabricated Republic Navy report that stated Warrant Officer Second Class Dragmoir Jovanović was killed in action with criminals over Nar Shaddaa. Meanwhile, Dragomir was sent to Geonosis, where he attended Count Dooku's conference for mercenaries. It was also attended by eleven other mercenaries of various species and specialties which he hired. There, he met with Lana Beniko, a female mercenary who specialized in sniping. The two got off well, and talked afterwards for about an hour. It was determined that Beniko would be deployed to another planet under CIS control, while Dragomir remained on Geonosis. Dooku informed him that a battle would be occurring there soon with the Republic. It made him a bit nervous, since it would be his first time facing the Republic in combat. He had just earned the Order of Onasi not too long ago, and still had thought that the Republic might be saved. However, Dooku quickly informed him that it could not be saved and it was time to start anew. He was given the rank of captain in the Confederate Navy.
Early fighting[]

A Rogue-class fighter.
Shortly before the Battle of Geonosis began, Dragomir met with a Geonosian ace pilot, Ikivz Kyvax, who was to train him in flying a CIS Rogue-class starfighter, which was at the time in the experimental stage. Dooku informed Dragomir that he wished for the ace to test the fighter and report to him after the battle on how good it's combat performance was. As the battle began, he engaged Republic LAAT/i gunships that were dropping off clone troopers on the battlefield. During the chaos of the early stages of the battle, he managed to shoot down five gunships. Afterwards, he flew alongside Kyvax and his squadron. During the combat, he engaged several Republic fighters and gunned them down in an aggressive dogfight. As they entered orbit, they engaged more fighters. Dragomir and the others attempted to destroy an Acclamator-class assault ship, but were repulsed. Dooku later ordered them to cover his ship as he made his escape to Coruscant. After they finished that, Dragomir and the rest of the CIS pilots entered a hangar of a droid control ship.
As the Clone Wars began, Dragomir received a placement in 103rd Flight, a flight group of living pilots hired by Dooku. One of his early assignments was to protect the Force Harvester on Mirgoshir. There, they were attacked by a task force of 30 Jedi interceptors. After an intense dogfight, the flight gave the Jedi heavy casualties while only losing four pilots. Dragomir got the second highest kill count, with six kills. He noted that Jedi pilots were more difficult than clones. During the intermission, Dragomir realized he did not feel any guilt while shooting down clone pilots. He then decided that the Grand Army of the Republic and it's clones are not worthy of fighting for the Republic, and thought that the Republic was forced to use them as it did not get enough regular volunteers. That idea further reinforced his dislike for the Republic.
The unit's next assignment was the protection of the Dark Reaper superweapon on Thule. The Republic was nearing it, and planned on destroying the weapon. Dooku did not want to lose the advantage that the weapon presented, and committed the 37th Army of the Separatist Droid Army to defence of the weapon. The unit was to provide air support, and entered it mid-battle. Dragomir downed several gunships, and even two Jedi interceptors. The pilots of the 103rd Flight kept a tally of all of their kills, but Jedi kills were highly valued. Dragomir than strafed columns of clones and their advancing motor and armored support, but in the end, it was of no avail. The Republic captured the weapon, despite heavy losses, and destroyed it. By the time of the end of the year, Dragomir had a total of 39 kills.
The war rages on[]

The Starcrusher, one of the ships that he was stationed aboard.
In early 21 BBY, Dragomir was promoted to major and was deployed to Balamak aboard an experimental battleship with advanced jamming arrays. The vessel jammed all communications in the entire sector for four days, and Dragomir, with the rest of the 103rd Flight, flew as part of it's fighter complement. Finally, the Republic attacked. A massive starfighter force, overwhelming even the vulture droids, rushed the station. Dragomir fought hard, scoring one of the highest kill counts among CIS pilots. During the battle, he even had a brief fight with Anakin Skywalker, who damaged his ship and forced Dragomir to flee. The 103rd Flight escaped the system as the battleship was destroyed. His total kill count was 42 at that point.
After the battle, Dooku was a bit disappointed. He placed the 103rd under command of Cavik Toth, another mercenary pilot fighting for the CIS, leading the Sabaoth Squadron. For a few weeks, they trained by preying on Republic shipping in the Aparo sector, but the Republic Navy dispatched a small flotilla to engage them. In the battle, Dragomir raised his kill count to 48, but the squadron lost several pilots. Captain Toth ordered a retreat, and they met up with Admiral Kirst's force. While serving aboard his unique battleship, the Starcrusher, he was awarded the Separatist Roundel, at the level Knight Roundel, for disguised service. He made friends with fellow squad mates Tandin Kohner, Vasilis Richtofen, and Felix Val, who were also all aces. As the battleship used it's powerful guns to prey on Republic ships, it's small fighter complement was not needed. Eventually, the squadron was transferred to another ship.
By the time of 20 BBY, Dragomir and the 103rd Flight were separated from Sabaoth Squadron and continued being an independent unit. The 103rd fought on several fronts, mainly in the Mid and Inner Rim Territories. During that time, Dragomir rose his kill count to 57. He met with the other mercenary Lana Beninko once again while serving in the defense of a planet called Bomis Koori IV. They talked more, and Dragomir gave her some basic flying instruction. When the planet was attacked by the Republic, the 103rd Flight remained grounded until the final stages. The stronghold's shields were destroyed, and Republic forces began storming their base. The 103rd engaged the many Republic fighters that attacked, but were unable to hold them off. After killing several, Dragomir and the squadron flew off and jumped into hyperspace. Unknown to him, Beninko was captured by Republic forces and taken as a POW.
Fall of the Separatists[]
Looking back on it, I had no regrets joining the Confederacy. The Republic did need to be replaced with a new state, though unfortunately the Confederacy was unable to take it over. I think it is due to the lack of organic personnel within the CIS Armed Forces, which could have bonded with local populations much more than the occupying droids.
—Dragomir recalling his defection and service in late 19 BBY
As the war raged on into it's final year, Dragomir and the 103rd were stationed on Hypori, defending the droid factories there. During the long hours of patrolling the planetary orbit, he found himself questioning the Confederacy itself, and the Republic. He was no fool; Dragomir was not oblivious to the fact that the Confederacy's war efforts were starting to collapse. Now it seemed that the Republic was on the offensive, unlike for most of the war. Dragomir decided that if the Confederacy was obviously near collapse, then he would desert the Confederate Navy and become a transport pilot, at least for the time being. Though he was listed as 'missing in action' in Republic official records, Dooku informed him that his spies determined that the Republic Intelligence had somehow found out that he was working for them, probably by reading intercepted Separatist communications. He would "lay low" for a bit after leaving the CIS, and then try to get a piloting job for some corporation, he decided.
In late 19 BBY, Dragomir and the 103rd was reassigned under General Grievous' personal command for an attack on Coruscant itself. During the battle, the 103rd took part in the intense dogfighting that occurred over the planet. Dragomir shot down many clone pilots in orbit, and then headed down into the planet's city. There, he destroyed several more Republic fighters, including two Jedi pilots. However, the battle was ultimately a defeat, and a general retreat had been ordered as Dooku was killed. Dragomir initially listened and went to Utapau, though he knew by then that the war was lost. He planned on leaving his post when he got to the planet, and began making preparations. He even considered asking a few of his friends from the unit to join him. When they arrived on the planet, Grievous positioned the 103rd in the upper levels of the city they were at. Dragomir then slipped away from his unit, and then flew off in a stolen VCX-350 light freighter.
Early reign of the Emperor[]
Coruscant Control, this is Vladimir Ferencina, freighter pilot. I am hauling construction equipment.
—Dragomir to controllers, using his alias

Dragomir in early 18 BBY.
As the war ended, the Republic was reformed into the Galactic Empire, and Palpatine declared himself Emperor. Dragomir was glad he left Utapau before it was taken by the Republic, and posed as a regular freighter pilot. In the early days of the Empire' reign, Dragomir took up contracts with several companies to haul goods in his freighter, which he named the Akula. He was mainly tasked with shipping construction supplies to the Imperial capitol, as the planet was still rebuilding the damage from the Separatist attack. Dragomir was nervous, as he was still probably wanted by the Empire for his earlier treason against the Republic; a former Separatist. That was why he went under the alias of "Vladimir Ferencina" when landing on Imperial planets or stations.
He extensively listened to the Imperial HoloNet for news on the galactic situation while hauling cargo. The Emperor had begun extensively reforming the military, and announced that a campaign to quell the Separatist holdouts would be commenced. Dragomir decided to continue staying low, but was recognized in the pro-Imperial Corporate Sector. He was arrested by an officer of the Corporate Sector Authority, Allya Kasslan. However, he managed to escape the impound center aboard his freighter, and left the Corporate Sector. Unknown to him at the time, Allya was still onboard, as she was inspecting the captured vessel for any contraband. He imprisoned her in the ship's empty cargo chambers, and after she complained he threatened to open the chambers while they were in space. He eventually reached Socorro, which was essentially a safe haven for smugglers and other criminals, there, he dropped off the Corporate Authority officer and left.
Dragomir later stopped over on a planet he had once been to before, Trantor. There, after spending a few days in the clubs and cantinas, he hired two crew mates: a Falleen former Jedi Padawan named Ziana Sazen, who was in debt to criminals on the planet and wanted to join Dragomir in order to escape, and a Twi'lek mechanic named Amin Vir, who was looking for a job. The new crew members left the planet within a few days, after buying extra supplies.
Shenanigans as a freighter pilot[]

The Akula, a VCX-350 freighter.
The crew of the Akula carried out many shipping runs, and occasionally worked as smugglers. For this reason, Dragomir had Amin convert one of the cargo bays into a hangar. He then used some of their profit to buy a T-Wing Interceptor, and had it heavily modified. During several engagements with local authorities and pirates, Dragomir flew it into combat. It's performance was not as good as he expected it to be, but managed to raise his kill count to 75 between 18 BBY and 17 BBY. Ziana had become a competent gunner. He talked a lot with the former Jedi, but eventually she stumbled onto his Separatist Roundel award. Dragomir explained to her his past, both service for the Confederacy and Republic. She did not seem to mind he was a former Separatist, and said that they were "all Separatists now." They earned thousands of credits, and modified their ship. Dragomir secretly purchased an estate on the planet of Jomark, using it as a safe house.
As they carried out their missions, Dragomir and Ziana both felt like they had to do something against the Empire. Amin, though was against anything like that, as he did not want to "wake up to the screams of TIE fighters coming at us." At the time, they agreed on his idea, though Dragomir planned on eventually starting a resistance movement, if no one else did. With their earned money, Dragomir outfitted that estate on Jomark with various weapons and supplies, using it as a storehouse, essentially. By 8 BBY, his kill count went up to 81, after more engagements. However, during their entire career, Dragomir had never shot down an Imperial fighter, out of fear of retribution from the Empire. All three were already wanted by the Imperial authorities, so there was no longer any point in continuing to use the alias he thought of.
Joining the Rebellion[]
Personality and traits[]
Skills and abilities[]
Awards and decorations[]
- Order of Onasi, 2nd class (Republic)
- Separatist Roundel, Knight Roundel (Confederacy)
Behind the scenes[]
The character is named after a fascist Serbian politician, Dragomir Jovanović. His alias is the name of a Croatian ace pilot from World War II. The infobox uses the colors of the Serbian flag, traditional Slavic colors.