This will all be quite simple: you do what I say and you live. Now I know that you're the type who would gladly sacrifice himself for the greater good. But if you try to obstruct me in any way, you won't the only one to suffer, I promise you.
—Draco Gant
Draco Gant was a sociopathic mercenary and former CorSec officer. He was employed by the supervillain CarbonEye to eliminate a team of MI5 agents on Alderaan in 42 BBY.
Draco was born on Corellia and enlisted in CorSec at a young age. Although he excelled at marksmanship and problem solving, his psych profile revealed that he was nearly devoid of any traces of empathy or compassion. Nevertheless, certain elements among the high command felt that retaining such an individual could prove "useful", and Draco was transferred to CorSec's elite Tactical Response Team.
Draco's short career was characterized by corruption and the abuse of power. When his partner threatened to expose his misdeeds, Draco treacherously shot her in the back and fled Corellia.