Dossa was a female Nautolan smuggler who later served as minion to Exar Kun's Sith Empire.
Great Sith War[]
Avoiding Capture[]
After Haazen failed to capture Dossa many times, Dossa humiliated him by stealing his lightsaber from him and this time Haazen was only saved from death by the timely arrival of his friend Barrison Draay.
Becoming a Sith[]
Ten years later, Dossa became a tattooed Sith servant under Exar Kun, Dark Lord of the Sith. She became one of the most experienced Sith learners when she fought in the Great Sith War. After the Battle of Toprawa, which turned out to be a bloody battle, Dossa was surprised to see Haazen the only survivor of the war. She then detonated a bomb that resulted in the death of Barrison Draay and Haazen's ultimate fall to the dark side. When Haazen awoke after the blast, Dossa told him that he had been pulled from the rubble by Doctor Uburluh and saved his life. However, Haazen wanted revenge for what she had done to him, and he killed her in his anger.