Dormé Jannick was one of the most devoted handmaidens of Padmé Amidala during the former Queen's time as the Senator representing Chommell sector in the Galactic Senate.
Dormé Jannick was born on the planet Naboo during later years of the Galactic Republic. She was revealed to be the younger sister of Jerus Jannick, who served in the rank of Lieutenant in the Royal Naboo Security Forces. At the age of 16 in 32 BBY, Dormé and her family were held as prisoners when the Trade Federation invaded Naboo. After Queen Padmé Amidala returned to Naboo with Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn returned, she and her brother fought in the battle and survived with the intention of overthrowing the Trade Federation and arresting Viceroy Nute Gunray. After the war was over, Dormé became a loyal handmaiden to the Queen.