Donniya with Dylaaan D' Verimo in Lego Star Wars III : The Clone Wars. (2011) circa. 22 BBY
Our greatest fears is not the Sith, but is what we do to make the Sith stronger.
—Donniya to Aayla Secura, shortly before their death.
Donniya was a Female Jedi born on Naboo in the last decades of the Republic, after her parents deaths in 47 BBY, She was discovered by Ki-Adi-Mundi and took into the Jedi Temple for training at a very young age.
Donniya was born to unknown parents fifty one years before the Battle of Yavin on Naboo, her parents would unfortunately die a few years later, she was taken into the Jedi Temple by Ki-Adi-Mundi in the year 45 BBY. Her master taught her in the ways of Form IV: Ataru and in 34 BBY, She would create her own lightsaber which would be her only lightsaber until her death.
Early life/Before The Clone Wars[]
Donniya was taken into the Jedi Temple around 45 BBY. She was the padawan of an unknown master, but trained alongside many other Padawans. She was granted the level of Jedi Knight sometime before the Invasion of Naboo, and took a young Jakc Odya as her padawan during the Invasion of Naboo. Donniya was heavily involved with keeping the peace in the Senate and was a friend of Chancellor Valorum. After the Invasion of Naboo ended, she greatly disapproved of Chancellor Sheev Palpatine and did not like his demeanor or manor. Deciding to focus more on training her padawan, she left the role of Jedi Guardian to the Senate in 30 BBY.
A Mission to Tatooine[]
A year before the Clone Wars, Alongside her padawan, Donniya was in charge of a full scale tactical mission to Tatooine to help Jabba The Hutt secure his peace with the Republic before the formation of the Seperatist Cause. Jabba agreed to stay aligned with the Republic as long as he sees fit.
Clone Wars[]
Battle of Geonosis[]
During the mission to save Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala, Donniya started the war process outside the arena by leading the first attack on the base, which failed and ended up with Donniya being majorly hurt and transported back to the Jedi Temple to heal.
Blue Shadow Virus[]
Donniya, Master Nio Aveda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano accompanied Padme Amidala to her home planet to discover more info about the Blue Shadow Virus, Donniya would be eventually hurled against a wall, and took back to the Jedi Temple to heal.
Duel with Asajj Ventress[]
While on a mission to her planet, Donniya encountered Asajj Ventress, who was her prime target for the mission, Donniya dueled the Dark Acolyte, which caused Asajj to fall off a building and almost lose her life, but to Donniya's dismay, Asajj eventually escaped.
Trial of Ahsoka Tano.[]
Donniya and the Council Members overlooked the trail of Ahsoka Tano, while they were discussing if she was guilty or not, Anakin Skywalker and Dylaaan D' Verimo have just found out that Barriss Offee staged the bombing on Ahsoka Tano. Moments later, Anakin barges in with Offee before the Jury's decision is made final. Donniya and Luminara Unduli have a major conversation after the hearing, and decide that Verimo will handle the situation.
Crisis on Felucia[]
After Donniya and Aayla Secura discover that the water supply on Felucia is planned to be poisoned, they head to investigate the claim. During their mission, Aayla is arrested and put into jail, Donniya has to save the Jedi from her execution.
Order 66[]
After saving Secura from their prision on Felucia, Donniya leads an attack squad along with Secura, to stop the poisoning, not knowing that Palpatine and Skywalker have killed Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar and Saesee Tiin, and ordered that Order 66 must be issued. Donniya watched over Secura while the clones surrounded her, not knowing of her imminent danger, Donniya is taken by surprise and is shot by the clones. Secura is shortly shot after Donniya is crushed by an AT-AT, to the point of no identification.
During her mission to Felucia, she is gunned down by the Clones she trusted most, and her body is crushed to a point of no identification. Secura soon followed her death. Official Empire Records state that Donniya and Secura were the one's planning the poisoning of Felucia's water supply. Lightyears away, her padawan, Jakc Odya, also met his unfortunate end.
Donniya would be remembered in her wiseness, people describes Donniya as very wise for her age. Her close friend, Dylaaan described Donniya as a great friend, and he kept a picture of them together until his hideout is destroyed in 0 BBY, 19 years after Donniya's death.
When Maz Kanata talked about Anakin's lightsaber, she mentioned Donniya and how good she was with a lightsaber, Rey casually asked whatever happened to Donniya, and Kanata replied with "Shot down during the Jedi Purge, but she's here now, in spirit."
Donniya's age at the time of Episode VII would be 86, and during The Rise of Skywalker she would be 87 years old.
Personality and traits[]
Donniya was a nice caring Jedi, who became a little reckless at times, and would become not focused, which led to her untimely end. Donniya was a great friend to her fellow Jedi and would always help them when they're in need.
Powers and abilities[]
Donniya was a master at mind tricks, and was an active user of Form IV: Ataru. Donniya was also known for her incredible strength that she used with her yellow lightsaber, which she managed to keep until her death.
- Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (death-only)
- Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (mentioned only)