Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

Dolre Thyle was a male Clawdite shapeshifter and a Sith of the New Sith Empire.


In 1,386 BBY, Thyle was dispatched to Lisal to serve the Sith Lord Darth Alecto. He arrived in the guise of a Near-Human, but Alecto sensed the deception and compelled him to assume his natural form. Over the following days Thyle got through Alecto's challenges to her new disciples, often employing his shapeshifting abilities but relying on his Force-backed agility and athleticism when necessary. When Sith Acolyes of Lady Naathree Basrasht came to Lisal hunting Megaera, Thyle joined a few others in standing with Alecto against the interlopers.

Alecto forced Dolre to push his shapeshifting abilities to the maximum; he endured considerable pain and discomfort shifting to different forms, but his skills increased accordingly. After a few months, Basrasht came to Lisal personally to exact vengeance, but Alecto remained to confront her, and Dolre assisted his colleagues in killing the attackers.

In late 1,385 BBY, Alecto returned to her alma mater, the Korriban Academy, and took Dolre, Crile Craetor, Zurgharjhen, and Dekkia Laytrok with her. Dolre took advantage of the opportunity to observe and learn at Korriban, though he had a brief, discomfiting encounter with Belia Darzu. He also got drawn into Crile's conflict with his ex-girlfriend, Roanna Gascon, and Roanna's new love, Noth Kinn. Dolre disrupted an argument among them, but when Noth challenged Dolre himself to a duel in the Tuk'ata's Den, Dolre accepted. He won the duel that followed, but Noth cut off his right arm. Lord Sheerlin Isoka attempted to kill Dolre, but Alecto interceded and killed him, then got Dolre a cybernetic cap for the stump of his arm.

Dolre, Crile, Zurgharjhen, and Dekkia returned to Lisal, but found it invaded by Chy Karibadi and a force of Hashniajid. After Crile and Dekkia were unable to rescue Govenor Monox Dacaliad, Dolre convinced Zurgharjhen to join them in rescuing the governor's family instead. With the help of Zil Sed and Fruuna, they took off in the Scourge, but were detained by Karibadi's forces. Before Karibadi could execute them, Darth Alecto and Darth Hokhtan arrived to restore order. Alecto tasked Dolre with contacting a cyberneticist for Dacaliad and himself

Powers and abilities[]

After a year of training on Lisal, Dolre had great control over his shapeshifting, and was able to adopt a number of humanoid forms convincingly. He supplemented his skills with a careful study of the relevant species so he could mimic their traits as well as their appearances.

Appearance and personality[]

In his base Clawdite form, Dolre had scaly green skin and large, sunken yellow eyes. He tended to dress in clothes loose enough to accommodate both fighting and some variety in his shapeshifting.

Dolre was often very focused on his mission, an outgrowth of both the considerable focus needed for shapeshifting training and the fact that he served under Darth Alecto. He was often serious and to the point as well, but exhibited a dry, sarcastic sense of humor on occasion. Though a capable swordsman, he did not hesitate to supplement his swordsmanship with trickery and combative creativity as needed.

