Dolomir was a planet in the Unknown Regions. The homeworld of the Doloy, it was a vital member system of the Tetrarchy of Mezlagob before surrendering to the Golden Empire near the end of the Great Liberation. It was the headquarters of the Astrogation and Starship Commission and one of the first victims of the Nightmare War.
By the Legacy era, Dolomir had many sprawling cities spanning kilometers, though it was not an ecumenopolis like Mezlagob. Its towering skyscrapers reached over a kilometer in height, though most of its buildings were not as tall. Undeveloped areas of Dolomir were rare; even mountains were hollowed out or built upon, and the polar ice caps and deserts were used as prisons.
The few areas of Dolomir that were undeveloped were mostly forests and plains. Some areas of farmland were kept intact, although the Doloy still had to import large quantities of foodstuffs from offworld to support their population. A few floating cities existed on Dolomir's oceans, usually over underwater mining operations.
In orbit, Dolomir had a few defensive battlestations; while they did not rival the massive defensive emplacements at Baes, they were nonetheless strong enough to repel pirate attacks. The Dolomir Merchant Officers Academy was also in orbit over Dolomir. All the battlestations and the Academy were destroyed during the invasion of Dolomir in the Nightmare War, although plans were drafted to rebuild them when the planet was liberated.
Society and culture[]
Dolomir was a heterogeneous society even before the Nightmare War; while the Doloy made up the majority of the population, aliens were a substantial minority. The planet had a reputation for rewarding only the most determined or avaricious offworlders, while the weak would be ground into poverty or exploited. After the war, more of a spirit of cooperation existed on the planet, though industrious investors still tried to corner markets and entrench themselves firmly in the planet's new economic elite.
Space travel was traditionally Dolomir's most lucrative industry, though it also catered to tourists. The Dolomir Space Bureau was headquartered there during the reign of the Tetrarchy before the Golden Empire dissolved the Bureau and replaced it with the Astrogation and Starship Commission, which was also based at Dolomir. The Dolomir Merchant Officers Academy in orbit also made it attractive to merchant investors and generated tax revenue for Dolomir itself. In addition, Dolomir was home to many of the best astrocartographers in the Empire.
Dolomir was incorporated into the Tetrarchy of Mezlagob within a hundred years of the government's founding in roughly 600 BBY. The intelligent and scientific Doloy had already explored their own system and were examining the possibilities of interstellar travel when the Tetrarchy fleet arrived. Offered member status in the Tetrarchy, the Doloy agreed and quickly turned their homeworld into a major research center for the Tetrarchy. Within another century, the Doloy had scientists and engineers to rival any in the Tetrarchy.
Dolomir developed schools to train navigators and astrogators for the Tetrarchy, and began to collate the large repositories of Tetrarchy navigational data. Though the Dolomir Space Bureau existed outside government control, the Doloy leaders of the planet encouraged its growth. By the time the Tetrarchs began to take seriously the possibility of Dolomir becoming too important, the planet was far too entrenched in the Tetrarchy's space travel programs to be pushed out again.
Dolomir's leaders used the influence of their planet to bring investments to the world. Doloy corporations continued to manufacture some of the best navicomputers and hyperdrive systems, although the Tetrarchs did put their feet down and prohibit sale of the fastest hyperdrives to anyone but government buyers. As the centuries went on, a Doloy was the first to become a Tetrach outside the original four founding species.
Dolomir remained adamantly loyal to the Tetrarchy during the Great Liberation, and its scientists attempted to calculate hyperlanes into the Golden Empire's territory. The defeat of the Tetrarchy at Tizgo V did little to dampen morale, but Dolomir's population began to grumble when the Empire captured the Vall`to sector. The conquest of Vall`to—and even more crucially, the defection of the Vall`to Sector Bank to the Empire—caused a financial panic and economic collapse in what remained of the Tetrarchy. Dolomir's economy crashed, and corporate CEOs who had backed the Tetrarchy's governors began to withdraw their support.
The surrender of Telacia and the easy capture of Hudrel by the Empire further undermined confidence in the Tetrarchy's ability to recover. The central government recalled most of the sector's ships to Mezlagob to defend itself, leaving Dolomir relatively unprotected. Before the Empire could capture the system, a rebellion broke out on Dolomir. The disenfranchised poor, both Doloy and immigrated aliens, fought against the diehard Tetrarchy loyalists they blamed for the new crush of poverty. Before the contest could be decided, the Empire arrived.
The battle for Dolomir was quick and distinctly one-sided, and the Tetrarchy's officers and leaders were rounded up and executed or imprisoned. After the war, the Dolomir Space Bureau attempted to remain independent with vague threats of deleting all its archives, but Rin Sakaros nationalized it anyway with very clear threats of executing anyone who destroyed data for treason. The new Astrogation and Starship Commission, though headed by leaders appointed by Rin herself, was left on Dolomir so as not to devastate the planet's economy.
Dolomir remained a space travel think tank and research center in the postwar years. A number of the spacefaring, naturally inquisitive and inventive Iscali immigrated to Dolomir, and many found work with Doloy consortiums, universities, and research facilities. The Empire, which had destroyed most of Dolomir's orbital battlestations before the remainder surrendered, financed the rebuilding of the ones it had blown up.
In 149 ABY, a group of Dark Jedi and an army of insectoid Skavik invaders besieged Dolomir. Pummeling through Dolomir's defenses, they made no attempt at conquest, but simply slaughtered as many people as possible. The Skavik army was millions strong and simply buried Dolomir's defense force in bodies. Though several planets, including Klee`shlyoo`hshee, had already been devastated, Dolomir was able to send a transmission and some holorecordings to the Sith Star and inform Rin Sakaros what had happened. This news sparked the Nightmare War.
After the destruction of Kizav, the Prime Fleet under Sorrik himself liberated Dolomir. The final battle of the war was fought at Dolomir itself and saw the deaths of the last Dark Jedi, as well as the capture or destruction of what remained of their fleet. Captured Skavik were offered peace terms in exchange for their assistance in rebuilding the worlds they had destroyed, and many thousands arrived on Dolomir for the project. Doloy Vice Admiral Rensi Shal-Shatir was appointed Consul of Dolomir shortly after his successful reconquest, and he set about a program of encouraging expatriate Doloy to return to their species' homeworld while also bringing new investments to the planet.