Hello. I'm Doktuar.
—Doktuar Gallif
Doktuar Gallif was a Gallintran Jedi Master. He was the longest-lived Jedi known, and was 7,023 years old when he died. As a Jedi Master, he was widely-respected. Many Jedi, including, on occasion, Master Yoda, would often defer to Doktuar's many years of experience and wisdom.
Doktuar participated in several Galactic campaigns, including the Battle of Ruusan and the Yinchorri Uprising. However, shortly after the Battle of Geonosis during the Clone Wars, Doktuar fell into a coma on the planet Cathar while on a personal retreat. Hidden from Imperial forces during the Great Jedi Purge, Doktuar awoke in 5 ABY to find that the galaxy had become a very different place.
Suffering from partial amnesia and unable to remember much of his life beyond his Jedi training, Doktuar embarked upon a mission to find himself, accompanied by several companions along the way.
Doktuar's journey brought him to Luke Skywalker and his New Jedi Order. Doktuar readily joined its ranks, though he informed Luke that rediscovering his past was his top priority.
Despite this, Doktuar fought in the Droid Wars, Great Jedi Schism, and Declon War. It was during the latter that he first encountered Porro Linn, a figure whom Doktuar would face off against multiple times in the future.
During the Droid Wars' Battle of Zeltron, Doktuar received a blow to the head that jarred loose his lost memories. Having finally uncovered the secrets of his past, Doktuar pledged his full support to the New Jedi Order.
Doktuar outlived most of his allies in the Jedi, and eventually became a prominent figure in New Republic politics, providing a historical perspective on political issues. He also acted as a historian for the Jedi, cataloging artifacts and records in the Jedi Temple's library.
Towards the end of his life, Doktuar served as the New Jedi Order's Grand Master, a duty he took reluctantly. He died during a skirmish with a group of Dark Jedi on Tyst. The stress the battle put on his aged body proved too much, and the ancient Jedi collapsed, his life ended.
Early Life[]
Doktuar was born on the planet Gallint in the Deep Core of the Galaxy. He was the child of two members of the Gallintran High Council, and grew up living an opulent lifestyle, only receiving the finest and most expensive possessions available.
Like many Gallintrans, Doktuar was Force-sensitive, and displayed a finer amount of control over his abilities than most Gallintran youth.
Doktuar reached maturity at age sixty-seven, and left Gallint to see the Galaxy. His travels brought him to Coruscant, where he encountered a Jedi Master named Lop Moto. Gallintran culture looked down upon Jedi, but Doktuar found the lifestyle to be fascinating. He begged Moto to train him, and after some hesitation, Moto agreed.
Doktuar spent much of his time as a Padawan learner on Dantooine, where he learned even finer control over his manipulation of the Force, as well as how to fight using a lightsaber. It was during this time that Doktuar invented a variation of the lightsaber that he called a lightdagger—an extremely short saber for use in assassinations and as a last-ditch tactic in battle.
When the time came for Doktuar to build his own lightsaber, he decided on a green-bladed one, to signify his adoption of the lifestyle of a Jedi Counselor. Due to the slow maturity rate of the Gallintran species, it took much longer than normal for Doktuar to complete his training, and it was not until he was 117 that he achieved the rank of Jedi Knight.
As a Jedi Knight[]
Doktuar quickly gained a reputation as an effective mediator. It was through his talents in diplomacy that a potential war between the Republic and the Hutts was averted. Even the Sith were said to hold some respect for Doktuar. For the most part, Doktuar took his rising acclaim with humility, saying that it was the Force that gave him his abilities, and that he was simply acting upon its will.
During a mission to Balan-Quod, Doktuar discovered an illegal mining operation being undertaken by the local government. Doktuar attempted to peacefully convince the monarch to cease the operation. However, the king turned hostile and imprisoned Doktuar, covering up his arrival and telling the Jedi Council that Doktuar's ship had never arrived.
Held within the walls of a maximum-security prison, Doktuar began formulating a plan for escape. Doktuar manipulated the Force to take control of the guards' minds, and had them free him and return his lightsaber to him. He then fled the prison before they could recover from his manipulation.
Doktuar returned to the king's palace and again attempted to reason with the monarch. When it became clear that diplomacy would be ineffectual, Doktuar was forced to slay the king to ensure his own survival. He was saddened by what he had to do, and faced the Jedi High Council with the expectation of being relieved from duty. However, the Council instead praised Doktuar for stopping the mining operation and eliminating the corrupt monarch. They offered to elevate him to the rank of Jedi Master, but Doktuar declined. He believed that he was not ready to receive such an honor.
The Vatt Uprising[]
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. The bomb... I don't know how to disarm it. It'll explode in an hour, no matter what.
—Doktuar Gallif to the Vatt Chieftain
Doktuar continued to mediate disputes and forge compromise between quarreling parties. Much of the time, he was successful in avoiding conflict. However, in some cases, diplomacy was not enough. One such case was the Vatt Uprising.
The Vatt species, who had been displaced from their world by the Sith, pleaded the Republic for shelter on an uninhabited world. The then-Chancellor, the Chagrian Hagg Trewq, however, was prejudiced against Vatts due to his species and the Vatt's ages-long enmity, and blocked attempts to provide relief for them. The Vatts grew angry at this, and prepared to go to war with the Republic.
Doktuar, along with several other ambassadors, was dispatched to the Vatt mothership in the hopes of reaching a compromise.
At first, the Vatts were cordial and welcoming towards their guests. However, they soon ambushed the ambassadors and took them prisoner.
The Vatts' holding cells were primitive, and Doktuar easily escaped. He freed the other ambassadors and helped them flee the mothership before infiltrating the ship's engine room and rigging up an explosive, set to explode in one standard hour. On his way to the ship's hangar, he was confronted by the Vatts' chieftain, who revealed that he and the others had been captured so that the Vatts could barter them for relief efforts; they would never have been harmed. Doktuar felt remorse for his rash actions, and sadly admitted that he did not know how to disarm the explosive.
The chieftain forgave Doktuar, and relayed a message to all Vatt ships to evacuate the area as quickly as possible. Doktuar requested to stay on the ship as it exploded, but the chieftain refused to allow him to do so, knocking Doktuar out and launching him from the ship in an escape pod, which landed on the planet of Naboo below.
The explosion of the mothership took out many Vatt ships that had not fled, eliminating roughly one-third of the entire species. Doktuar was shellshocked by what he had done, and lambasted Chancellor Trewq in the Senate for allowing his personal prejudices to nearly lead to war, and result in the near-genocide of a species. A vote of no confidence was put forth, and Trewq was removed from office.
Further Adventures[]
Doktuar fought briefly in the Battle of Ruusan, but was called away to mediate a territory dispute between two neighboring colonies of humans on Dantooine. He was present when the skeleton of Werr Gamon was uncovered on Cato Nui, a discovery that revealed a bounty of information about the history of the Jedi.
After reaching a compromise between the Republic and Mandalorian Empire, preventing war on an intergalactic scale, Doktuar finally accepted the rank of Jedi Master and a position on the Jedi High Council on Coruscant. he was well-liked by Jedi initiates at Coruscant's Jedi Temple for his friendly, playful attitude towards younglings. Doktuar seemed the logical choice by many, including a young Yoda, for the position of Grand Master, but he did not wish to lead, only advise. He served on the High Council for two centuries before stepping down to allow fresh blood onto the Council.
In 36 BBY, Doktuar took on a Padawan learner named Salaj Wegar. They became as close as family, and were rarely seen without each other. Years later, Doktuar would describe Salaj as the best friend he'd had in his entire life.
Salaj became a Jedi Knight in 23 BBY, and though they kept in contact with each other, it would be decades before she and Doktuar saw each other again.
In 22 BBY, Doktuar fought in the Battle of Genosis. He was frustrated by the fact that war was now inevitable, since he had spent months mediating conflicts between the Republic and the Confederacy. Feeling that his skills as a negotiator had failed him, Doktuar ventured to Cathar in order to find himself.
While on Cathar, Doktuar was struck by a wave of unknown energy. The wave knocked Doktuar into a coma, one that would last for twenty-seven years.
I may not remember much, but isn't flying a starship into an asteroid considered dangerous?
—Doktuar Gallif
Doktuar awoke in 5 ABY to find himself bedridden in a Cathar hospital, tended to by a nurse named Piteg Otyvv. Doktuar discovered that he could barely remember any of his past, beyond detail of his Jedi training and his name. Piteg informed Doktuar that the Galactic Empire had risen and fallen while he slumbered, and that the hospital had hidden Doktuar while Emperor Palpatine's Great Jedi Purge had been ongoing.
Doktuar thanked Piteg for her and the hospital's assistance in ensuring his survival, but informed her that he needed to find out who he was and what his past had been. Piteg insisted upon coming along with him, but Doktuar was hesitant until she offered to lend her starship to aid in his quest.
The last place Doktuar could remember before Cathar was Genosis, so the pair set off for that planet. After nearly crushing their craft in Genosis' asteroid rings, they managed to land safely on the planet's surface. There, in the arena where the Clone Wars had begun, faint snippets of Doktuar's memory began to return. One of these memories was the face of his apprentice, Salaj. Doktuar knew that this person was significant to him, but he could not remember in what way.
Doktuar and Piteg set off from Genosis in search of Doktuar's past. At an unknown point, they recruited Jasson Nagner, a Force-sensitive youth whom Doktuar took under his wing, Swen Fen, a former Imperial black ops. agent, and Jak Hark, a bounty hunter turned smuggler. This ragtag crew made their way across the cosmos, looking for clues that would reveal the history of Doktuar Gallif.
The New Jedi Order[]
In 15 ABY, Doktuar and his entourage arrived on the fourth moon of Yavin, as Doktuar had sensed a great deal of Force energy emanating from the moon's temples.
Here, the crew encountered Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker and his Jedi trainees at Skywalker's Praxeum. Doktuar identified himself as a Jedi Master of the old Order, and Skywalker, delighted to be in the presence of a surviving Jedi, requested that he stay at the Praxeum to help train the new Jedi in the ways of the Force. Doktuar respectfully declined, but told Luke that he would be available for assistance whenever it was requested of him.
It would not take long for Luke to request a favor of Doktuar. In 17 ABY, a former member of Quinto Solus' Jedi Militia, Cladistics Moe, had fallen to the dark side of the Force, and had converted several of the Praxeum's students alongside him. The fields of Yavin 4 were a battleground as Jedi and Dark Jedi clashed. Doktuar was called in to assist in quelling the conflict.
Facing Moe alone, Doktuar attempted to negotiate a peace between the factions, unconsciously using the diplomacy skills that had made him famous in the Old Jedi Order. However, Moe would have none of it, and attacked Doktuar. Doktuar fought back and killed Moe, ending the crisis. He then left Yavin 4 to continue his search. As he left, Quinto Solus faintly recognized him and called out to him, but Doktuar had already boarded Piteg's ship.
Droid Wars[]
I... am Doktuar Gallif of Gallint. Jedi Master. The Great Mediator. And at last... I know my past.
—Doktuar Gallif'
Doktuar soon found his quest interrupted by Galactic events. The Droid Wars began, and despite his attempts to keep away from the battlefront, Doktuar soon found himself involved in multiple campaigns.
During the Battle of Cato Nui, Piteg was shot in the chest by an enemy sniper. As Doktuar cradled his old friend in his arms, she confessed that she had left Cathar with him twenty years prior due to an attraction she felt for him: an attraction that, now, could never become anything more. She encouraged him to find his lost memories no matter the cost, before her life ended.
Piteg's death drove Doktuar into a rage. surfing the edge of the Force's dark side, he cut down swaths of Imperial forces before Jak was able to calm him down and convince him to return to the Republic command post.
Doktuar was not able to help defend the Jedi Temple from the Attack of the Sith, as he was participating in the Battle of Zeltron at the time. It was during this campaign that, in a fistfight with an Imperial stormtrooper, Doktuar received a heavy blow to the head.
This blow, for unknown reasons, resulted in Doktuar recovering his memories at last. With his past no longer a mystery, Doktuar rejoiced. His quest of two decades was finally over.
Doktuar continued to serve in the war, serving in such battles as the Battle of Tatooine, Battle of Naboo, Battle of Tanaab, and Second Battle of Coruscant.
While stationed on Dantooine towards the end of the war, Doktuar received a vision of a coming conflict, and fell unconscious for several days out of the shock he experienced. When he awoke, he was surprised to see a familiar face standing over him.
Salaj Wegar had hidden from the attacking clone troopers when Order 66 had been initiated at the end of the Clone Wars, and had been secluded on Dantooine since. She had been tending to her farm when she stumbled upon Doktuar's collapsed body. Overcome with joy at being reunited with her beloved Master, Salaj had nursed him back to health.
Doktuar and Salaj embraced one another, each relieved that the other was still alive and well. Doktuar asked if Salaj was willing to rejoin the Jedi alongside him. However, Salaj was still traumatized by the events of the Clone Wars, and did not wish to have to take part in Galactic conflicts again.
Doktuar offered to ensure that she would remain as a noncombatant instructor at the Jedi Praxeum or Temple, a compromise to which Salaj agreed.
She and Doktuar returned to Coruscant to find that the was had been won, but a deadly new threat had revealed itself in the process.
Great Jedi Schism[]
During the Great Jedi Schism, Doktuar mainly stayed off the front lines, preferring to teach Jedi trainees with Salaj on Coruscant. However, he did take part in several battles, mainly teamed with Jem Crystooine and Quinto Solus.
During the Schism's Battle of Retyule, an orbital drop pod malfunctioned and sent Solus flying to his death. This death weighed heavily on Doktuar, for he had known that the pod was flawed beforehand, yet believed that it was safe for the altitude he and the rest of their team were being inserted from.
Doktuar was present during the Battle of Ygtep, and was a witness to Zak Koroen's turn to the dark side of the Force. In the alternative timeline created by this event, Doktuar was one of the few Jedi who managed to evade death at Darth Xana and Zak's hands. After Zak set the timeline straight, Doktuar assisted him in the defeat of Darth Xana and the end of the Schism.
The New Padawan[]
Soon after the end of the Great Jedi Schism, Doktuar took on a new Padawan, a Human named Elesa Hado. However, instead the close bond that Doktuar often formed with his students, only tension arose between him and Elesa. The young woman was extremely stubborn and focused on doing things her way. This attitude frustrated Doktuar, who attempted to teach his new disciple discipline. This proved to be in vain.
Doktuar and Elesa were investigating reports of a Dark Jedi academy on Tyst, training Force-sensitives in the teachings of Darth Xana. Doktuar and Elesa discovered the academy and disguised themselves as Dark Jedi hopefuls in order to gain admittance.
Unfortunately, the power of the dark side proved too much for Elesa to handle, and the charade became reality. Elesa turned on Doktuar, forcing him to defend himself. He easily overtook the young, inexperienced apprentice, but Elesa simply kept coming at him. Ultimately, Doktuar had no choice but to kill his Padawan.
Doktuar blamed himself for Elesa's fall to the dark side, having taken her into a wellspring of dark side energy before she was experienced enough to handle it. He swore that he would never take another Padawan as long as he lived, a vow he would keep for several decades.
Declon War[]
When Doktuar returned to Coruscant, he learned that yet another war had engulfed the Galaxy. the Declon government had begun its conquest of the Galaxy, and the New Reoublic had declared war in retaliation. Doktuar took an active part in the war, both as a battlefield commander and in his old role as a negotiator.
Doktuar found himself battling alongside his former Padawan, Salaj Wegar, once again during both of the Declon's attempts to conquer Coruscant, and his former apprentice Jasson Nagner in the Battle of Devaron.
Doktuar led the ground campaign of the Battle of Balan-Quod. It was here that he met the man whom he would spend years clashing with: Porro Linn.
Doktuar encountered Linn in the latter's palace, as the Declon leader was attempting to flee the planet. Doktuar would have captured Linn if he had not been assaulted by a vision of a strange creature which warned him that even graver events would soon occur.
Having failed to apprehend Linn, Doktuar returned to Coruscant, where he was asked by Luke Skywalker to serve on the New Council of the New Jedi Order. Though the idea of serving on another council did not appeal to him, Doktuar agreed.
Missions for the New Council[]
You're in a world of trouble now. Cause, see, now you've made me angry. And that is a very, very dangerous thing to do.
—Doktuar Gallif to Sedeffa Bwoah
Sedeffa Bwoah had been a designer for Santose Systems. He had helped design the company's D-Series Exterminator Droids, but the credit for the design had gone to Merebon Sanken. Angered by the lack of credit he'd received, Bwoah had been undertaking terrorist attacks on the company's Pretten branch using a handfull of the droid's D-4 model.
The Pretten branch sent a complaint to the New Council, and the Council assigned Doktuar, Salaj, and Jasson to end the attacks.
The three Jedi met with Bwoah, who refused to cease the attacks until he was given credit for the D-Series' design. Doktuar attempted to convince Santose Systems to give Bwoah the credit he requested, but the company refused. They would not give quarter to a terrorist.
As punishment for failing him, Bwoah ordered his droids to kill Salaj. Though Jasson and Doktuar tried their hardest to save Salaj's life, the wounds that the droids had caused her were too much, and she died.
This turn of events made Doktuar extremely angry, and he slew Bwoah in cold blood. He had achieved his objective, but at the cost of two lives.
Doktuar's next mission would come after the Declon Eradication War, the first conflict in decades that Doktuar took no direct role in.
Doktuar was stationed on a Jedi enclave on Balan-Quod to oversee the training of its initiates in place of Ken, who was normally present at the enclave. While Doktuar was expecting this to be a dull, menial task, it would end up being anything but. Porro Linn, now a Dark Jedi in the service of Darth Xana, invaded the enclave with a team of fellow Dark Jedi.
Doktuar managed to coordinate the panicked trainees, and launched a counteroffensive against Linn's forces. Both sides suffered heavy casualties, but Doktuar's Jedi trainees were ultimately victorious following a harsh duel between Doktuar and Linn, which forced Linn and his Dark Jedi to retreat.
Doktuar reported the events to the New Council, making particular note of Linn's reemergence as a Dark Jedi. Though the Council was concerned by this information, it was more worried about Darth Xana's willingness to directly target Jedi enclaves.Doktuar requested that he be allowed to search for Linn, but this request was denied by then-Grand Master L'asstenn Toshtaba.
Despite this, Doktuar would have another encounter with Linn sooner rather than later. Assigned to fly with Flame Squadron to escort a convoy shuttling goods to the planet Naboo, Doktuar was thrust into his first-ever space battle when Linn's flagship star destroyer, the Fist of Linn, emerged from hyperspace. Sensing Linn in one of the Sith starfighters that were now swarming the area, Doktuar made to directly engage him.
Doktuar attempted to persuade Linn to give up the ways of the Force's dark side. However, Linn rejected Doktuar's offer, and shot Doktuar down. Doktuar nearly died in the resulting crash on the surface of Naboo. Though the rest of Flame Squadron eventually fought off Linn's forces, Linn himself had once again eluded Doktuar.