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He is a skilled Jedi, one of the few who I would be happy to lay down my life for.
—Dooku on Djinn Altis
Djinn Altis was a Human Jedi Master in the Old Republic. He was somewhat of a maverick and was a firm friend of Jedi Master Dooku.
Altis accompanied Dooku to Zanidu to confront Darth Sharka and he was wounded in the fight. He would later travel with Dooku and Jedi Knight Deva Padj to Butar and there he battled Darth Sharka's Massassi armies and would witness the destruction of Butar's temple and the end of Darth Sharka. Later he would battle Darth Merik in the secret Jedi Temple on Ossus and was defeated by the Sith Lord only to witness the ancient Master Nin strike him down.
Over a year and a half into the Clone Wars, Altis was sent to Ossus to kill Deva Padj, who had fallen to the dark side, as his knowledge of Sith artifacts was two dangerous to allow him to live. Altis cut down Padj even as he asked for clemency and was arrested and put on trial by the Jedi and exiled for his crime. This allowed him to escape Order 66 and he was still active on Bespin in 18BBY. However, shortly afterward he was tracked down by former Dark Acolyte, now bounty hunter Asajj Ventress and the two dueled but Altis was cut down by Ventress, although he wounded her and she was killed by security troops shortly afterward.