On Nolinaria, all your needs are handled by the very much visible hand of the free market, which is also the state! We seek satisfaction for all our citizens, capitalist and socialist alike, so on Nolinaria, we are our own competition! Come to Nolinaria; on our world, money really can get you anything!
—Nolinaran All-Needs Corporation advertisement
The Divine Corporatocracy of Nolinaria, also known as the Nolinaran All-Needs State after the ruling Nolinaran All-Needs Corporation, was an interstellar state of the Ethereal Demesnes, a Theocratic Demesne of the Diet of the Ethereal Demesnes, and one of the member worlds of the Holy League. It was centered on the Nolinaran All-Needs Corporation headquarters world, Nolinaria, but it governed a handful of other territories.
Among many beings of the galaxy, both inhabitants of the Demesnes and foreigners, Nolinaria's categorization as a Theocratic Demesne rather than an Oligarchic Demesne while ruled by a corporate government was illogical. However, the company was founded and run largely by highly-religious individuals, and in fact sponsored the Nolinaran All-Needs Corporation All-Faith Temple, a religious organization which was, as its name implied, inclusive of the spiritual beliefs of virtually every religion present in the Demesnes.
As the name of the Nolinaran All-Needs Corporation implied, Nolinaria's ruling corporatocracy ran every aspect of the Nolinaran society, economy, state, and military. By the time of the Demesnes' first contact with the Galactic Republic, considered "ancient galactic history" by the time of the Clone Wars, the All-Needs Corporation had become so all-encompassing in Nolinaran space that it had unwittingly started fighting itself. This was visible in such situations as the Corporation both supporting and fighting labor rights, both conducting extensive mining and passing legislation to restrict over-mining, and both trying to avoid conflict with other Demesnes while also sending their corporate Tactical and Security Division to scout possible colonies near other Demesnes' borders.
However, when the Clone Wars started, according to King of Luctanem Atlus Valdayn the All-Needs Corporation had a "longstanding" policy of admitting and embracing this strange reality, even advertising it to try to encourage immigration and purchasing of their company shares. This was evidently somewhat successful, as the company remained solvent until at least the Post-Legacy era, their profits maintaining a steady, impressive rate for so long that charts of their economic history held vast records of steady, slow increases.