Star Wars Fanon

Some women are made to watch the world burn, Master Windu. And I believe myself to be one of them.
—Diana Verlaine, to Jedi Master Windu

Diana Nyx Verlaine was a human female who lived during the era of the Galactic Republic. The woman was, at various stages in her life, a Bounty-Hunter, Politician, and Lieutenant in the Grand Army of the Republic. In her early childhood, Diana was abducted from her home planet by workers of Grakkus the Hutt, and taken to the ecumenopolis moon of Nal Hutta, known as Nar Shaddaa. The young girl was raised as a mercenary, being taught to thieve and steal by the Hutt's and others on the moon. By the age of fifteen, Diana was the protege of massacre survivor Pandora Ma'ag, to finalize the end of her training, and secure her place as a bounty hunter in the ranks of the Hutt's. Despite her unruly upbringing, Verlaine devoted her adulthood to the Republic, and what was morally right.

Born in 55 BBY as Diana Antilles-Verlaine, she was the biological offspring of Viscount Karrio Verlaine, and Lady Leida Antilles of Alderaan. Her birth occurred on her homeworld of Alderaan, a prestigious member of the Core Worlds. With her father's political voice, and historical lineage, being resented in numerous systems, the young family of four was subject to numerous attacks. Diana and her younger brother, Mars Verlaine were alone in surviving a raid on their mountain home. Whilst her brother escaped, and later went inro hiding, Diana wasn't as lucky, being taken to Nar Shaddaa by a collection of Hutt Clan operatives. She was then raised on the moon until the age of eight, where she was handed of to the last of the Ptah, Pandora Ma'ag, leaving her lifelong friend, Sena Grii, behind. In the years following, Verlaine was sent on numerous outings with her mentor and mother-figure, and was privy to many high-profile murders, such as that of Damora Janet, along with numerous other political officials. Diana was also involved of the disposal of Sena Grii, alongside Jango Fett, whilst the identity of her victim was unbeknownst to the younger hunter.

In the spring of 22 BBY, Verlaine found herself doubting her life choices, and sought the advice and counsel of her treasured mentor, Pandora Ma'ag. The two reconciled on Naboo, along with the latter's thirteen-year-old son, Icarus Ma'ag. After learning of Fett's location, whom she still blamed for the death of her friend, Diana set course for Coruscant, the galaxy's shining capital.


Early Life[]
