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Desdemon Charel was a female Jedi Knight in the Old Republic. She was firm friends with Jedi Master Thame Cerulian and thus joined him in his efforts to track down Darth Sharka on Neimodia.
Mission to Neimodia[]
Not much was known about Desdemon during her childhood or even what planet she was on. However, by around one hundred years before the Battle of Yavin, she had risen to the rank of Jedi Kinght and had trained her first apprentice. By this time she had met and become friends with Thame Cerulian and they had gone on many missions together.
Following the death of Cerulian's apprentice Seth Khaleb at the hand of Darth Sharka, Thame asked Desdemon to help him take down the Sith Lord. Desdemon, along with her apprentice Jared Flire went with Cerulian to Neimodia and engaged the Sith Lord. Desdemon was taken down early on in the battle, with Sharka taking her sword arm and cutting open her stomach.
However she survived, watching Sharka kill her apprentice and many other Jedi before Cerulian killed him. Desdemon passed out, and awoke back at the temple where she heard of Cerulian's death on Neimodia but she couldn't give any details on it. Once she had been healed and had gotten a new prosthetic arm, she attended the funeral of Cerulian and the other Jedi who had fell on the mission and she struck a firm friendship with Cerulian's apprentice Dooku.
Death on Zanidu[]
Thirty years after the disastrous mission to Neimodia, Desdemon hadn't taken on another apprentice. However, ghosts of the past would be reawakened when the resurrected Darth Sharka kidnapped the former Duros Admiral Henius Clamore. Desdemon was contacted by Dooku and together with Tyrel Kee they confronted Sharka on Corellia. However, the Sith Lord was more then a match for the three Jedi, Tyrel was killed and Dedemon was taken unconscious to Zanidu.
Desdemon shared a prison with Clamore, who nursed her back to health and she saw Dooku arrive with Gangru Morpir and Djinn Altis. However, Morpir was revealed as a traitor and both he and Altis were wounded in the battle as Dooku confronted Sharka. Sharka attempted to draw Clamore in as a shield but Desdemon leapt in front of him and attacked Sharka, who quickly slit her throat, ending her life. However, her death released Dooku's anger and he used it to bat the Sith Lord aside and save Clamore.