Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

The 'democratic' part is very deceiving.
Sith Lord Darth Wyyrlok

The Democratic Republic of the Galaxy, also called Galaxy-Coruscant and abbreviated DRG, was a government in the galaxy formed by the rebels who overthrew the Galactic Federation Triumvirate in 215 ABY. The DRG rivaled the Republic of the Galaxy, made up of the remnant of the Federation that ruled about a quarter of the galaxy while the DRG ruled the three quarters.

The two governments were hostile towards each other though open war did not occur until 230 ABY. Leading up to that year, the DRG fought against OR23 rebels in the Outer Rim Rebellion, who secretly were funded by the Republic. When the rebellion was crushed, then the Republic, abbreviated ROG, declared war on the DRG.
