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Why do I lead a destructive war against my own nation? Because I am a true son of Leasath, and I am angered to see my mother suffering under the oppression of the Union! This is a not a war against my nation, this is a war against her corrupt and weak government! For too long my motherland has been ignored and pushed around by the Union, and her own government is not prepared to put up a fight to preserve her honour and respect, because they care more for stuffing their deep pockets with Union Dollars than behaving responsibly and actually doing what they promised us they would do! We, the nationalists of Leasath, will overthrow our weak government and institute better governance, we will free our home from the shackles of Williamtown! This war is the Leasath War of Independence, and our independence, we shall earn!
—Supreme General Diego Navarro, commander of the Nationalists, during an interview with the Union News Service

The Democratic Republic of Leasath (pronounced: Lay-Sath), also known as the D.R. Leasath, D.R.L, Leasath, Nationalist Leasath (after Diego Navarro took over as Head of State), República Democratica de Lésata in Navarrese, and the Repúblic Democrát de Lésat in Malandish, was a fairly large nation located on an archipelago found to the south of the Aermen continent on the planet Earth, Leasath covered the eastern half of the archipelago, with the Federal Republic of Aurelia, Leasath's western neighbour, covering the western half.


Colonised by seafarers and immigrants from the Aermen continent around 1,000 BBY, "Old Leasath" consisted of six kingdoms, the "Hexarchy of Leasath", the six kingdoms were: the Kingdom of Alendal, the Kingdom of Valundal, the Kingdom of the Gaspar Islands, the Danern Islands Kingdom, the Kingdom of Navarro and the Kingdom of Malandal.

The modern nation of Leasath was founded as the United Kingdom of Leasath in 784 BBY by King Diego Leasath IV of the Kingdom of Alendal following his victory in the 15 year long Hexarchy Wars (799 BBY-784 BBY), which had been started by his father, King Diego Leasath III, in which he named the new nation after his own surname, this event marked the beginning of the "Modern Leasath" era consisted of the territory ruled by the six previous kingdoms, with Alendal being the capital.

The monarchy was abolished in 639 BBY during the reign of King Gaspar Leasath V, Gaspar Leasath V was a tyrant who abused his subjects, during the Leasath Revolution he was overthrown and the Democratic Republic of Leasath was born.

Leasath joined the Union of Earth States in 70 BBY.

In 30 BBY Alendal, the capital of Leasath, was struck by a strong Earthquake which caused significant damage to the city, rebuilding efforts were still under way at the time of the outbreak of civil war 7 years after the earthquake.

In 26 BBY, the year after Miguel Terrajo of the Leasath Democratic Party (LDP) was elected Head of State in 27 BBY, was the Great March of Alendal, the Leasath Nationalist Party (LNP) organised a march through Alendal, Leasath's capital, in protest of the Union and the tenure of Miguel Terrajo, hundreds from all over Leasath took part in the march. Concerned with the rise of Nationalism, Terrajo ordered the Leasath Army, then still commanded by Supreme General Diego Navarro, to put down the march, Diego Navarro, however, was a member of the LNP, and sympathetic to the marchers, so he refused Terrajo's order.

Due to a lack of Army support Terrajo turned to the Leasath National Police (LNPol), the LNPol had far less qualms about following Terrajo's orders, the LNPol attempted to break up the march, beating a number of the marchers in the process. Due to the LNPol's actions Navarro's position went from keeping the army out of the affair to actively supporting the marchers, in the first instance of rebellion within the Army Navarro ordered the army forces within Alendal to protect the marchers from the LNPol. As a result Diego Navarro was hailed as a hero of free speech and citizens' rights.

Terrajo was angered by the rebellious Army countermanding his orders, however he was unable to punish Navarro or any other Army personnel, because they were heroes in the eyes of people.

In 23 BBY the deadly and destructive Leasath Civil War began, the war began when the anti-Union forces of the Nationalists under Supreme General Diego Navarro launched a coup against the Leasathian government, the coup failed, and the nationalists prepared for all-out war.

At first the war went well for the Nationalists, the Leasathian government was caught unaware by the fighting skill and popular support for the nationalists, many in the armed forces of Leasath were unwilling to combat the nationalists, often times out of personally agreeing with them and their cause, either secretly or openly, quite a number of Leasathian military personnel either defected or deserted.

However, President Richard Williams decided to deploy Union forces to Leasath, without asking the Union Senate, much to the Senate's chagrin, who Senators accused Williams of war-mongering and behaving unconstitutionally, the Senators of the Western States Confederation, especially, who had already expressed support for Navarro's Nationalist faction.

As a result of Williams' actions the WSC colluded with Diego Navarro in order to create a volunteer army to support the Nationalists against the Union, this army was called the Volunteer Army for the Liberation of Leasath (VALL). The WSC deployed the Confederation Navy's First Fleet to help the Leasath Nationalist Navy in combating the Union Navy and pro-Union Leasath Navy forces.

After the Nationalists victory in the Leasath Civil War Leasath joined the Western States Confederation, several months after this, in early 21 BBY, she became the 14th nation to join the young Confederate States of Earth.

Leasath donated several superweapons, those being the Wraith-class Air Superiority Fighter and the Gandr-class Aerial Cruisers Gandr and Gleipnir, to the Confederate cause.

The Union attempted to conquer Leasath during the Alendal and Leasath Campaign, multiple different Union offensives were defeated during the campaign, which inspired a famous Confederate song. The Gandr was destroyed during Operation Whale Hunt, the penultimate action of the Alendal and Leasath Campaign.

Following the destruction of the Aurelian First Fleet during the Second Battle of the Danern Straits, the final action of the Alendal and Leasath Campaign, Aurelia's offensive had ran out of steam, Leasath took the offensive in the Aurelian Campaign, with the use of the Gleipnir Leasath steamrolled Aurelian forces, capturing Griswall, the capital of Aurelia, later, Leasath forces also conquered the southern Aurelian city of Santa Elva, which had become the provisional Aurelian capital city following the loss of Griswall. The loss of Santa Elva was the final major stand of Aurelia, the survivors fled to Cape Aubrey and Port Patterson in the west, and to Sud Island in the south.

Cape Aubrey was dealt with fairly quickly in the Cape Aubrey Offensive, from Cape Aubrey Leasath forces moved south to join another Leasath force moving west towards Port Patterson, on the outskirts of the city Aurelia attempted to make a stand in the hilly region of Kingshill, however they were defeated and forced to fall back Port Patterson in the Battle of Kingshill. Port Patterson was captured in the Battle of Port Patterson.

What remained of the Aurelian forces made their final stand in the Battle of Sud Island, when they attempted to defend against a Leasathian amphibious invasion of the island, they were defeated, however, finally bringing the whole of Aurelia under Leasath control.

Following the battle Leasath engaged in the Aurelian Pacification Campaign, which was designed to put an end to Aurelian resistance, Diego Navarro also formed the Empire of Leasath-Aurelia, the Empire replaced Leasath in the Confederate States Parliament. Under the Empire Aurelia was treated as a semi-independent component, with Navarro restarting the Aurelian aid programme, taking roughly 0.5% of Aurelia's GDP annually, which he used along with the aid from the Confederacy to help fix the damage his nation had endured during the civil war. Richard Williams had forced Aurelia to abandon her foreign aid efforts after Leasath had forcibly seceded herself from the Union and joined the WSC.

Aurelians were pleasantly surprised to find Leasath rule to not be quite as bad as they expecting, Navarro had respect for Aurelia, and thus allowed them to keep some degree of autonomy, he was also using the foreign aid to actually help his suffering nation and people, the Aurelian Resistance gradually shrunk in size as more and more Aurelians began to embrace their rule by Leasath. Which led to the more hardcore members of the AR beginning to view many of their fellow Aurelians as traitors.

How can you so happily bend the knee to Leasath? Do you know how many thousands of our soldiers, sailors, and airmen they killed? Did you know they once tried to destroy Griswall with a superweapon? You are traitors who do not have the stomach to resist oppression!
—An Aurelian Resistance member after being jeered for his rebellious views

In 18 BBY the Empire was defeated by the Earth Empire with support from the Galactic Empire and was split, Leasath and Aurelia were ruled as separate territories, following the Liberation of Earth in 4 ABY the Empire wasn't restored, Leasath rejoined the Confederate States of Earth whilst Aurelia rejoined the Union of Earth States, though both had very good relations.


Leasathian children were brought up from a very young age to have patriotic and nationalist views of their nation, from the age of five years old Leasath's children recite the Leasath Pledge of Allegiance every morning in front of a large flag of Leasath which hangs at the front of every classroom in the nation. It was this nationalism that Diego Navarro was able to exploit as most of Leasath's citizens rallied to his Nationalist banner during the Leasath Civil War.

Aside from fervent Leasathian nationalism, Leasathians were also greatly God-fearing, as a Theocracy with a State Religion, the Leasath Church played a large and important role in the lives of Leasathians, this religious fervour often tied in with the strong nationalist views, which resulted in Leasathians as a whole believing that their nation was blessed by God, and did God's work. The extreme beauty of Leasath's countryside and coastal regions also contributed to the belief that Leasath was "God's Country".

March forwards, boys, for we do God's work, God has blessed our beautiful Mother Leasath! Those who die content in their just cause will know eternal happiness in Heaven!
—A Leasathian officer rallying his troops

All Leasathians believed in the concept of Heaven, according to Leasathian religious beliefs "Heaven" was the home of God, and was were a person went upon death, providing they had lived a just, pious, pure life, within Heaven all pain and suffering was removed from the spirit, and the person would live in peace and contentment for the rest of eternity, they would meed their family members, friends, and any pets they had in Heaven.

Leasathians also believed, however, that few people, other than the most pious, would enter Heaven straight away, most would have to spend time in Purgatory, where souls would remain for the duration of their punishment, the length of which depended on the number and severity of the sins the person had committed in life. Leasath's belief of Purgatory was that of an empty black void populated by the incorporeal shades of people sent there. After a person's time of imprisonment within Purgatory was completed they headed to Heaven.

The final part of the Leasathian belief in the Afterlife was that of Hell, where Evil resided, Hell was described as a fiery wasteland, and was a place where only the truly evil who were beyond redemption were found, those who went to Hell were so corrupted that they bypassed Purgatory entirely, because they were believed to be beyond being redeemed. The unfortunate souls trapped in Hell were tortured by the rest of time by horrific Demonic creatures. For this reason, Hell was often used to curse others, by asking God to send them to Hell when they died.

Leasath had three native languages, Alendalese, the common language, which was the form of Galactic Basic Standard spoken in Leasath, which had been brough to Leasath by her Aermen settlers, Alendalese was the language local to the Kingdoms of Alendal, the Danern Islands, and Valundal, and their successors, the counties of Alendal, the Danern Islands and Valundal, since the Kingdom of Alendal was the founding nation of Leasath, and the capital region, a priority was placed on Alendalese over the other languages, especially during the rule of Diego Navarro.

Another language was Navarrese, known as Lengua Navarrana in the native language, this language was native to the Kingdom of Navarro, Reino Navarrano, and the later Navarro County, this language was brought to Leasath from another island nation to the east of Leasath, Hispania. Diego Navarro, being a descendent of the Navarrese monarchy, could speak Navarrese, though he rarely did so, due to preferring Alendalese. Navarrese was also originally the native tongue of the Gaspar Islands, which had originally been colonised by the Kingdom of Navarro, though the Gaspar Islands' official language switched to Alendalese after their conquest by the Kingdom of Alendal.

The final language was Malandish, or Longue Malandais, this language was from the nation of Malandace, whose settlers founded the Kingdom of Malandal, Reihno M'alandal, which was later split into Malandal and West Malandal counties, the two northern regions of Leasath.

The National personification of Leasath was that of "Mother Leasath", who was depicted as a woman in a dress of the colours of the Leasathian flag.

Military strength[]

I highly advise against invading Leasath, you may have a beef with them, but using our self-defence forces against their very strong and well trained military is sheer folly, we may win early victories if we catch them by surprise, but our forces cannot withstand the power of their technologically advanced and battle hardened military for long!
Harvey Morens, the President of Aurelia attempting to dissuade Richard Williams from attacking Leasath

One of the strongest and well equipped military forces on Earth, the Leasath Armed Forces at the time of the outbreak of the Earth Civil War were both technologically advanced and battle hardened thanks to Leasath's civil war.

The Army had access to railgun technology such as the Culebre, a giant railgun which could protect the entirety of Leasath and her territorial waters, which Leasath used to great effect in striking would-be invaders at long range. Though the Culebre was destroyed in 18 BBY to prevent her capture by the Earth Empire her later sister, the Cerastes, was built in 4 ABY, following Leasath's independence.

The Navy had access to stealth ships and the Gandr-class Aerial Cruisers, the Gandr-class was instrumental in Leasath's war, and was almost invincible to the average enemy force.

The Air Force had access to the Wraith-class Air Superiority Fighter, a superfighter with Optical Camouflage systems, similar in operation to those of the Gandr-class, and made the Wraith-class effectively invisible.



  • This nation is inspired by the nation of the same name from the Ace Combat series, specifically Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception, the writer is a huge fan of Ace Combat X, and the Ace Combat series as a whole.
  • The writer has made significant changes to the history and geography of Leasath, the original Leasath was a small Fascist dictatorship ruled by Diego Gaspar Navarro who exploited war for his own profit, whilst the writer's version of Leasath is significantly larger, with new territories and places, and has been a Militaristic democracy ever since Diego Navarro, a hardline Leasathian nationalist, took over following Leasath's civil war. In the writer's version of Leasath Navarro didn't use conquest for his own ends, rather he used his total conquest of Aurelia to restart Aurelia's foreign aid programme which had been forcibly cancelled by the Union of Earth States, he used the aid along with Confederate States aid to help rebuild his nation.