The Democratic Galactic Empire, also known as the DGE, the Organa Dinasty or the Pacific Galactic Empire and referred to as the "False Empire" by the Imperial Remnants, was a galactic government that follwed the New Galactic Republic, it was led by Empress Regent Leia Organa and her successors. Vastly different from Palpatine's Galactic Empire, this new Empire had a more benevolent nature and sought to protect democracy and freedom, it also rejected the Dark Side of the Force and the Sith traditions and helped to restore the Jedi Order. However it was founded by Imperial Remnants agents who wanted to destroy the New Republic from inside.
Work in Progress.
"But she brought us this new weapon, a weapon they tried to use to destroy democracy, however we can use it to defeat them and protect what they wanted to destroy"
-Leia Organa
The New Republic resulted into an unstable government and fell rapidly into political corruption, most of the population ended up disappointed with the recently restored democracy, however Leia Organa resisted as the last emblem of democracy and fight against the corruption. A group of Imperial Remnant agents known as the Insidious Corps infiltrated the Republican administration and kidnapped Senator Leia Organa and tried to kill her, she was rescued by Han Solo and a group of democratic loyalist, but she faked her death, the Insidious Corps didn't discover until their defeat.
With the real Leia Organa out of the game the IC modified the appearance of one their leaders, Joine Fesla, to be indentical to Leia Organa and supplanted her identity in the republic, soon they started to seize the power in the Senate and the Republic, genereting problems and civil wars and finally they achieved to have Joine (as Leia Organa) granted emergency powers and later named new Empress of the New Galactic Empire with the pretext of protecting the republic from corruption.
However their rule didn't last long, soon after the founding of the new empire, the true Leia Organa and their loyal group infiltrated Joine's Palace, the new empress was killed and Leia took her place, initially pretending to be Joine to the Insidious Corps, but after her loyalist had secured the control of the new empire she revealed her true indentity to her enemies and eliminated the Insidious Corps.
Now with absolute control over its administration, Leia reorganized the Empire into a new Democratic Empire that followed the principles of the republic and freedom.
Restoration of democracy[]
"Maybe I'm betraying my principles, I swore to defeat the empire and restore the republic but now I'm the new Empress instead, just to find that it's the most secure path to democracy and freedom. Sometimes the destiny give us odd ways to achieve our goals"
After freeing the Senate from the Imperial Remnant's influence she gave back most of her political powers to the Senate, and only used her authority to secure the democratic freedom. At the start she tried to restore the New Republic again but she found that most of the citizens where dissapointed with what the New Republic turned to be and feared for it to fall under corruption again, so instead she kept the imperial facade and put all her efforts in drifting away the new government from the tyranny of the Old Empire.
She restored the Jedi Order as protectors of peace and established the new system known as Imperial Democracy, returning each system the freedom they had within the Old Republic. Also created the Fulcrum Corps as secret intelligence service under her direct control to protect the empire from the Insidious Remnants, Corrupt politicians and order dark menaces.
The new Confederacy and the Civil War[]
However the last suvivors of the Insidious Corps who remained loyal to the totalitarian idea of Palpatine's Empire started to make their new movements and managed to start a new separatist movement led by Viceroy Marca Fesla (Joine's Brother) in the planet Drixias, the insurrection was followed by various systems in the Outer Rim, leading to the foundation of a New Confederacy of Independent Systems that sougth to replace the Empire.
However after a long war that lasted 4 years, the Insidious Corps that controlled the Confederacy was destroyed once and for all by Duke Jerran, and the peace was signed with the Democratic Empire.
New and old enemies[]
Even so enemies of the new Impire lurk in the shadows, as for unkown to the Empress, Darth Furaie has returned.