Dem Nozah was an Arcona male Nockudumey Terrorist. He was still alive by the time of 0 BBY, and used the alias Hem Dazon while stuck on Tatooine.
- Star Wars The Drewton Legacy: Days of Terror (Cut content)
- Star Wars The Drewton Legacy Chapter 13: Defense of Kamino (Cut content)
- Star Wars The Drewton Legacy Chapter 14: Deceit (Cut content)
- Star Wars The Drewton Legacy Chapter 16: Clone Campaigns (Cut content)
- Star Wars The Drewton Legacy: Revelations (Cut content)
- Star Wars The Drewton Legacy Chapter 19: Visions of the Future (Cut content)
- Star Wars The Drewton Legacy Chapter 21: Conflict of Interests (Cut content)
- Star Wars The Drewton Legacy Chapter 22: Opposing Motivations (Cut content)
- Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (First appearance)